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Thread: Ragin' Opinion: Don’t count the Cajuns out yet.

  1. UL Football Ragin' Opinion: Don’t count the Cajuns out yet.

      0-2. What do you get from these three characters? To me, it means a team has played two games and lost both. That’s it. I would think anyone could figure it out, and perhaps I’m right. So why did I ask?

    I asked because there is a distinct similarity between these characters and Louisiana’s Ragin’ Cajun football team. We all know a team’s record states their current wins-losses, but I think there is more to a football team than a record.

    The Cajuns first two games of the 2006 season happen to be losses. I personally don’t find this to be a bad thing. Sure, a win from either or even both of these games would have been fantastic, but let’s think about the fact that they are not.

    Before the season started, the Cajuns were picked to win their conference by numerous qualified experts. Let me say that again. They were picked to win their conference. And in no way is that a small feat.

    The rest of the story

    By: Daniel Mayard
    The Vermilion

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ragin' Opinion: Don’t count the Cajuns out yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy
    Pack the house.
    Geez, your articles are worth reading just for the final sentence. Keep it coming!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ragin' Opinion: Don’t count the Cajuns out yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman
    Geez, your articles are worth reading just for the final sentence. Keep it coming!
    Haha! Im glad to hear it, I only hope the people who actually read the vermilion feel the same way. We need to get people pumped back up about the season! No empty seats!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Update.

    This weekend, if Cajun Fans don't see an all out offensive show and a display of defensive dominance, the faith of the Cajun fan-base will be seriously tested. I'm ready to see a whoopin!


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