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Thread: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

  1. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Nothing to disagree with, I didn't opine whether or not more students is the right path to success.

    I did say "if your goal is"
    My bad read on that comment.

  2. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    I suppose our charter has always been heavily weighted on affordability. But, aren't most of the other programs in this state and even in our region for that matter? Why does UL have "more charity" than others? I realize we are simply "more affordable", but an appropriate question to ask T-Joe would be... are we inferior? Do we have to provide a cut rate in order to compete? Are our professors from the bottom rung? Is our administration from the bottom end of the administrative pool?

    Our tuition ought to be in line with how we percieve our product. If our administration thinks that we are inferior then I can accept that we must offer a bargain price in order to operate. I don't think tution is where you manage the financial hardship cases. You manage the financial assistance piece of education with financial assistance.

    Although there is a noble component to maintaining low tuition, there is also a negative perception component. We are very likely viewed as an inferior university "due to" the low tuition. Do not believe otherwise. Some regional students believe we're "the last option" in many cases... because "if they were a more respectable university, they'd be able to charge a higher tuition".

    I think T-Joe and others think by keeping the entire tuition down they're helping some student from their home town...perhaps a young man or young lady similar to them at that time in life... and... isn't it wonderful? No, it isn't. That warm and fuzzy story went out with black and white movies. We should be on par with other universities offering similar educational opportunities. Those that need financial assistance should seek it where financial assistance is provided.

    Moreover, it was pretty unimpressive when T-Joe took $1million out of the athletic budget. It was a very unfair hit to those that donate to RCAF. Don't kid yourself. For whatever ground we were making up in adding private money to RCAF, we lost a lot of ground having that $1million taken from our athletic budget.

    We needed T-Joe to hit his staff and faculty harder with head count and salary reductions... and have them yell back "Raise tuition ______! I'm tired of observing these ungrateful hormonal little creatures not give a rat's rear end about education pay so little for something that will mean more to them than anything else in their entire lives... all the while they can't wait to go get nasty with their squeeze and get a drunk on." (and if you're an ideal student... and what I said didn't apply... and you don't have the money for a higher tuition... go to work and save up or go get a loan - and "pay it back!"... that is someone else's money!)

    We have a huge problem in this country because too many people think everything ought to be either free or at least "cheap". It establishes a whole host of terrible personal principles and expectations... and it is killing us. Why is this epidemic mess not already apparent to everyone?
    Couple of points here.

    No president will ever say his staff is second rate.
    Another point is that until this new rule was passed this year presidents had zero ability to raise tuition. That was done by others, and we already commented on one state legislator who refused to allow Authement needed tuition raises. Grandstanding about the poor, bla, bla, bla, while he let Ellis Who raise their fees. What the poor don't deserve a shot at the Flag Sip?

  3. #27
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Couple of points here.

    No president will ever say his staff is second rate.
    Another point is that until this new rule was passed this year presidents had zero ability to raise tuition. That was done by others, and we already commented on one state legislator who refused to allow Authement needed tuition raises. Grandstanding about the poor, bla, bla, bla, while he let Ellis Who raise their fees. What the poor don't deserve a shot at the Flag Sip?
    Those were rhetorical questions.

    Our current president embraces the low tuition.

  4. #28

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Tuition is low because Authement raised fees instead because it was easier. I would be curious to see what our fees are compared to others. I was told this by someone that worked at UL.

  5. Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State


  6. #30

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Boom, I found this on the Bursar's page. Tuition and fee schedule for Spring 2012:

  7. Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Dave Ramsey just spent the last :20 minutes talking about not going into debt for a degree.

    He said find the best price at University of _______.

    Nation wide show so he wasn't talking about UL, but I bet if he had the numbers he would be saying a degree from UL would be the smart thing to do.

  8. Louisiana Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by CRAWFISH61 View Post
    Tuition is low because Authement raised fees instead because it was easier. I would be curious to see what our fees are compared to others. I was told this by someone that worked at UL.
    Fees are not an issue. Very low.

  9. #33
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Tuition at UL should always be slightly higher than at La Tech and UNO, not the other way around. It is a matter of perception being reality. The average person outside of Acadiana thinks that the reason Tech can charge more is because Tech offers a superior product. That is BS. UL gets no credit from the average Joe for being so charitable with the price of our tuition. If it is now possible to do so, then I say we RAISE THE TUITION AT UL TO THE SECOND HIGHEST IN THE STATE! That way we could afford to transfer the full 3% allowed for athletics subsidies.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    I say we RAISE THE TUITION AT UL TO THE SECOND HIGHEST IN THE STATE! That way we could afford to transfer the full 3% allowed for athletics subsidies.
    Excellent price point.

    A tuition cost of $33.50 more per semester would have prevented the theft.

  11. #35

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    For public universities in Louisiana "economies of scale" have "influenced" how tuition is set along with the usual politics.

    For example, LaTech is smaller than UL, so it has a higher per hour tuition rate. On the other hand, LSU is almost twice as larger as UL, but it does not have double the tuition rate.

    Tuition levels and academic quality are not directly related ... UL is a prime example.

    UL is and has served the state well. This article will likely help attract more students.

  12. #36

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    UL, like many other Universities, certainly could use the money. UL would be better off raising the tuition and using the money wisely to better the facilities and improve faculty. Throw in an athletic fee while you're at it, to get the UL budget to a respectable level.

    A few weeks ago, I included this as my opinion to Dr. T-Joe when I emailed him about our athletic conference situation.

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