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Thread: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

  1. #49
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Question. Not that UL would want to, but could UL charge admission for students to all athletic events? If so, could UL instead tack on say $100 per student per semester for admission to every event? Is that any different than assessing fees on themselves?
    Everyone at UL, whether they attend or support athletics, benefits from a good athletic program, whether they're too dense to realize it or not. It's about like someone saying "I didn't take a computer science class at UL so I don't think having a good one helped my degree". Anyhow, we need an athletic fee (very prominently expressed as a value to a student's tuition) not just to raise funds, but to encourage student participation... "you paid for this, now build some of your college socializing around it".

    Besides increasing funds and increasing student attendance, it builds an ongoing relationship and connection beyond the college years. That increases more funds and attendance and a huge UL identity. Inter social - inter business relationships are exceptionally important and will benefit everyone... again, even that stubborn student that doesn't think so. There's enough truly intelligent people that compensate for their ignorance every day... but it's getting tough as they seem to be getting bred at a faster and faster rate.

    Nonetheless, the student fee for athletics is past it's required inclusion. The analogy earlier implying that athletics "standing on it's own" and that a student fee to assist in the cost (for a benefit extended to the student) is totally backwards. The student fee isn't a "liberal democrat concept". Much to the contrary. Students at UL more directly benefit from athletic events than anyone. The fee would basically mean they pay a couple of bucks per event attended, when you add up just the major sports' events. Their benefit - their cost.

    It is time to pass a student fee. Period. If the diploma they're attempting to earn has UL on it, they need to pay a portion of the UL's athletic budget... and then get out and support the UL athletic programs in person.

  2. #50

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Question. Not that UL would want to, but could UL charge admission for students to all athletic events? If so, could UL instead tack on say $100 per student per semester for admission to every event? Is that any different than assessing fees on themselves?
    I'm not sure your question was understood by the answer(s) it received ... that is a good idea but I would think it would still be classified (by the ones in charge that monitor this) as an athletic fee.

    lsu is in their own system and has their own set of rules, very similar to Outback, except for the fun part.

  3. #51
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Question. Not that UL would want to, but could UL charge admission for students to all athletic events? If so, could UL instead tack on say $100 per student per semester for admission to every event? Is that any different than assessing fees on themselves?
    You asked two different questions. UL can charge students at the gates to enter athletic events. It would not be the intelligent way to go. It would reduce the number of students attending athletic events and would not be worth the limited revenue.

    The other question of "tacking on" a per student per semester... is the tuition increase we are talking about. That used to be impossible for UL. It is now possible based on a vote of the student body at UL. The dilemma we are in is that everyone is trying to figure out ways to cover budget shortfalls and the idea of adding a student fee is unattractive.

    I would not ever present a student fee for athletics without tying it to a specific mission and a potential cost reimbursement feature to particular students. For instance, RCAF could agree that for every home game, all students in attendance, will go into a lottery where 100 of those students will be reimbursed their athletic fee. Another separate reimbursement might be an achievement based initiative. Participating corporate sponsors could be solicited, through RCAF, to reimburse students that achieve a specific semester GPA, that also provide proof they attended x number of athletic events. Regardless of my theoretical proposition, there are very workable solutions for making an athletic fee not only pass but also be less painful and very rewarding for our students.

    This is a major university after all. We should have within our ranks more people with great business sense and solid marketing skills.

  4. #52

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    I thought what was actually "legal" was for student assessed fees to be used for facilities only, and that the funds could not bet used for the general athletic budget.

    As an aside, I also think the state should look into "athletic fees" in high schools, as my kids paid for an "activity fee" card all four years of high school that got you into all sporting or other events at school. I don't know why a college would be any different.

  5. #53
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana Rated Most Affordable in State

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    I thought what was actually "legal" was for student assessed fees to be used for facilities only, and that the funds could not bet used for the general athletic budget.

    As an aside, I also think the state should look into "athletic fees" in high schools, as my kids paid for an "activity fee" card all four years of high school that got you into all sporting or other events at school. I don't know why a college would be any different.
    We are already capable of raising fees directly related to facility improvments. "Athletic fees" that go directly into the general athletic budget require a vote of the student body. ULM attempted it and the vote was against the athletic fee. ULM, besides probably having an overall disinterested student body, did not market it to the students very well. All it looked like to the average student was "you can either pay what you're paying now or pay more... which do you choose?"

    It takes some skill to get students to vote to increase their own education cost/investment.

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