Since Lafayette City-Parish President Joey Durel decided to cut ties with the City of Broussard people are wondering, what does this mean if my house catches fire?
Broussard Mayor Charles Langlinais sent a letter to Joey Durel asking their fire department contract be signed. Broussard's Mayor Charles Langlinais has sent a letter to Lafayette Parish President Joey Durel asking for $20,000 to fund fire services in unincorporated areas. Durel has said those areas are his responsibility. But, as Langlinais stated in his letter, they have the closest resources and without funding Durel is putting property and citizens at risk.
"All we're trying to do is make sure that those funds are released to be able to continue providing those fire safety resources to people in unincorporarted areas," said Broussard's spokesperson Amy Jones. Those areas "are both in islands of land inside the City of Broussard and then directly surrounding the city."
Every year the parish side of Lafayette Consolidated Government enters into contract with the volunteer fire departments in all of the parish incorporated municipalities. Durel renewed those contracts for every municipality, except Broussard.
" We haven't gotten any response yet," said Jones."I think the important thing is that he really wants to be able to work together with Durel to work through these issues for a continuation, and continuity, for the citizens of Lafayette Parish."
We reached out to Lafayette Consolidated Government who could not comment because of pending lawsuits with the City of Broussard. Either way Durel and Langlinais stress that fire service calls will continue to be answered.

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