"We just heard a loud noise kinda like an earthquake."

But it wasn't an earthquake.

"You could hear it and you could feel the vibration inside the house."

It was this tree uprooting and taking the patio, pool and trampoline down with it. Tamra Winbush says one thought came to mind when she walked outside and saw the damage.

"When I came out and saw it all I could think about is thank God the kids weren't outside."

Winbush says it happened around 5:15 this evening. Luckily everyone was inside and no one was hurt. She believes the heavy winds from storms earlier in the day could have loosened the already unsteady tree. Winbush says she can't believe this happened just a few days into the summer.

"Obviously its gonna be awhile before the kids can play outside and that's like their energy outlet to go out and play, so we're gonna have problems with it. I really don't know what we're gonna do about it at this time."

Winbush says the severity of the damage hasn't quite hit her yet and for now she and her family are thinking positive.


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