View Poll Results: What mascot would you like to see Louisiana use?

178. This poll is closed
  • Louisiana Red Bull Gator

    96 53.93%
  • English Bulldog

    17 9.55%
  • Catahoula Leopard Hound

    24 13.48%
  • Cayenne the Pepper

    17 9.55%
  • Bud Man

    4 2.25%
  • Cajun Chicken

    20 11.24%
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Thread: Poll - BullGator Mascot/Spirit Leader

  1. #61

    Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    I like the Gator.
    The Pepper has it's uses, it's a good single item identifier for UL. I would like it as a helmet sticker, or as a logo itself but not as a mascot emblem.

    The Gator says it all. Heck, even if it was a green gator he could be wearing a UL shirt. it'd still work.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Fideaux ate the Pepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    I've said it once and I'll say it again. The pepper is awesome as a logo, but not as a mascot. Put the pepper on the gators shirt or just the Ragin' Cajuns logo and I say we bring it straight to a vote. I love the idea of a red alligator. A mascot that cool would definately be featured in EA Sports 08 version of NCAA football.

    This is what I was talking about.
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  3. #63

    Default Re: Fideaux ate the Pepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    This is what I was talking about.
    Now all we need is Russell to don the uniform. Or have someone schooled in that school of thought to put the costume on. I mean let them bang their drum, and hold up their hands or cards 1,2,3.

    Basically what TD has been asked to do used to be handled by the chicken, now it would be "cayenne" The Gator. Or Ragin, the Cajun Gator

  4. #64

    Default Re: Fideaux ate the Pepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Ewhite
    Now all we need is Russell to don the uniform. Or have someone schooled in that school of thought to put the costume on. I mean let them bang their drum, and hold up their hands or cards 1,2,3.

    Basically what TD has been asked to do used to be handled by the chicken, now it would be "cayenne" The Gator. Or Ragin, the Cajun Gator

    Many people think we have alligators tied to our front porches instead of dogs, I think Fideaux would be an excellent play on that.

  5. #65

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Without a doubt the Red Bull Gator should be our new mascot at the University of Louisiana

  6. #66

    Default Re: Fideaux ate the Pepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    This is what I was talking about.
    Kal that is one bad looking motha of a mascot. By the way when was the last time anyone saw the Cayenne in person? I am not complaining but I have not seen the hot vegi at any football games this year.

  7. #67
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Fideaux ate the Pepper

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    This is what I was talking about.
    I really like it. I don't particularly like the pepper on the front. If we are gonna go a different direction like this, that whole business needs to go.

    The bad thing about the Cayenne, other than it was hideous, was that it alway wore a Jon Van Cleave jersey. We could purchase a mascot like this and have Bell's or something make T-shirts for it, that way it could change shirts for different sports. The chicken used to make costume changes all the time. This one might not be able to make too many costume changes if it is too robust, but it could squeeze on a Basketball jersey or something.

    I would love to see it realized.

  8. #68

    Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Then we are going to have to get off this board and take it to the school and say, "Here look at this. We all think this mascot will work. I think we should put this to a vote."

  9. #69
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    Then we are going to have to get off this board and take it to the school and say, "Here look at this. We all think this mascot will work. I think we should put this to a vote."
    Agree. I never voted prior, but I like the red Bullgator... but without the pepper on his jersey. I do agree on taking this beyond this board and somehow put into action. How does that work?

  10. #70
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More
    Agree. I never voted prior, but I like the red Bullgator... but without the pepper on his jersey. I do agree on taking this beyond this board and somehow put into action. How does that work?
    Somebody call Uncle Ray. I think we should just go straight to the top.

    Either that or call those Student council people who are "elected" every year. I think they are the ones responsible for the pepper, well, at least responsible for the mascot. I don't know who is responsible for the "pepper idea", but, in the words of Shaq, "they outh to have their college degrees revoked."

  11. #71

    Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Bull Gators.

  12. Default Re: UL's next Mascot/Spirit Leader

    Besides all the totally natural connections, my endorsement of the BullGator Mascot is based on my life experience. My Nebraska cousins falling all over themselves with interest in Louisiana Alligators was a blast. Enamored is not too strong of a word for their interest

    Using the highly successful Ragin' Cajuns moniker as a benchmark. A Red BullGator is the only image (as a mascot) that comes close to Ragin' Cajuns in capturing the imagination of a newbie.


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