Though the Ind says they confirmed their tip, it is, in fact, still a rumor. My sources at the police department are pretty ____ed off at the Ind right now.
Though the Ind says they confirmed their tip, it is, in fact, still a rumor. My sources at the police department are pretty ____ed off at the Ind right now.
I find it amazing that you would talk about information that hasn't been authorized for released. This as well as what the Independent did is nothing more than stirring the waters and could be misconstrued for hindering a police investigation by releasing/ leaking information that could potentially put an innocent person in harms way because of misleading information. I would advise you and your "source" in the PD to not talk about this kind of information, especially on an open forum such as this.
You know if I had a dollar for every rumor that has come out of this case....
When police went back to Whiskey Bay this week, tons of people were saying a body had been found according to their sources. Guess what? They were wrong.
Too many people spread crap they hear from a friend of a cousin who has an uncle that mows the lawn for someone that works in the police dept.
An interested party here out of the loop----but is she dead???? It has been some time since the rumor has been talked about---What is it ---Anyway can someone give us the latest news????
Can somebody mention the latest or the rumor???? Guess that there is no chance of this being related to the Jeff Davis murders---that is still unsolved!!!
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