There's confusion whether volunteers are still needed to search for Mickey Shunick. Volunteers are hoping efforts get back on track. Fewer people showed up to help in the search. Some people thought volunteers were no longer needed, but the search was suspended one day only.
"We put a suspension on it to give people a day to just relax and gather themselves," said Volunteer Jessie Eyster.
Volunteers are still needed. since the confusion, the number of volunteers has significantly dropped.
"We hope to get back into the swing" said Eyster. "We hope that more volunteers will come, and hopefully in the weekend when people are off they'll be able to volunteer more of their time and come and do a search."
On average 45 search parties go out everyday, but because of the confusion only 8 groups went out.
"You know do at least one search because I know it can be hard," said Eyster.
Searches last about 3 hours and are held rain, or shine, every day until further notice.