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Thread: Pride

  1. #13

    Default Re: Pride

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    From a rellable source (inside the four walls): two weeks ago coach gathered the team together and told them the next two week will determin who will be playing next season......and by what happen the last two weeks, a few will see pink slips....
    Out of 16 players we have a total of five players with batting averages above the league average of.276. We are last in total runs, hits and home runs. Getting swept at home when you absolutely, positively needed two wins is bad bad. We almost only had a chance pitching shutouts.

  2. Default Re: Pride

    What is our record since Trahan left???

  3. #15

    Default Re: Pride

    7-5 before he left officially on March 8. 16-23 after March 8. We did play 4 games against Alcorn St. and Towsen in 1st 12 games, though.

  4. Default Re: Pride

    Well maybe scratch that idea!!!! Record wise the new assistant didn't change much in the Ws and Ls!!!! A difference but ---well I guess I am just so disappointed and frustrated at the MBB and baseball!!!!! On the good side the football turn around, the girls softball season, the track improvement, the Brodhead hire, and I guess golf has at least softened the hurt!!!!

  5. #17

    Default Re: Pride

    This is still one of the best "mid-major" jobs in the country. You would get a very good pool of qualified applicants if the position came open. Keep Robe because he is the best person to lead the program. Or make a change if you think he is not. You do not retain a coach because you are afraid of what's out there.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Pride

    It's safe to say that we will definitely be a better team over the next 3 years. Exactly how good remains to be seen but with so many freshman and sophomore players we won't do any worse than this year.

    It's been the same story for many years now. Above average pitching and well below average hitting. I think it's impossible to tell if it's poor recruiting or poor coaching thats causing the hitting problem but the buck ultimately stops with Robe. We should expect better results out of out baseball program.

    I think he's earned the right to coach his son until he graduates 3 years from now. After that I would like to see a change. I'm usually one of the last people to jump on the "fire the coach" bandwagon but I think it would be best for both parties if Robe "resigned" and took on a new challenge. It's just not working well anymore.

    At the same time it's just not fair to blame these problems on the coach. We all know that UL has not been able to hold up it's end of the bargain in providing Robe with all the resources he needs to do a great job. I don't think it's entirely Robe's fault if he can't land good recruits. Especially when our facilities and our recruiting budget aren't up to par with other Sun Belt teams much less the rest of the nation.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Pride

    Rebel, agree with you except for the "earned the right to coach his son" part. This ain't little league. It's major college athletics. Stakes are high as far as a shifting landscape in conference affiliation is concearned. You do what is in the best interest of the program. Not Tony and Austin Robicheaux. If Farmer and Savoie think he is the guy to get this corrected, keep him on. If not, Austin can play for someone else, or transfer.

    The guy is only 2 years removed from a conference championship......

  8. #20

    Default Re: Pride

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    It's safe to say that we will definitely be a better team over the next 3 years. Exactly how good remains to be seen but with so many freshman and sophomore players we won't do any worse than this year.

    It's been the same story for many years now. Above average pitching and well below average hitting. I think it's impossible to tell if it's poor recruiting or poor coaching thats causing the hitting problem but the buck ultimately stops with Robe. We should expect better results out of out baseball program.

    I think he's earned the right to coach his son until he graduates 3 years from now. After that I would like to see a change. I'm usually one of the last people to jump on the "fire the coach" bandwagon but I think it would be best for both parties if Robe "resigned" and took on a new challenge. It's just not working well anymore.

    At the same time it's just not fair to blame these problems on the coach. We all know that UL has not been able to hold up it's end of the bargain in providing Robe with all the resources he needs to do a great job. I don't think it's entirely Robe's fault if he can't land good recruits. Especially when our facilities and our recruiting budget aren't up to par with other Sun Belt teams much less the rest of the nation.
    I'm not saying that I feel the university does no bad here or anything but you keep referencing these "empty promises". Please expand on that if you will for those of us who don't know what they are. Are you talking about an $8 million dollar facility that was "promised" to Robe? If so, that was going to be at the hands of 1-2 major donors whom most of us know who they are. That was not coming from the university as there is no way the university would have those types of funds at this time. The university could not do much about the donor not giving the money after all.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Pride

    I never mentioned anything about empty promises.

    All I'm saying that if we expect our baseball team to have a certain level of success we need to have a certain level of financial and institutional support from the administration. And it's safe to say that Robe hasn't gotten that over the years.

    IMO that lack of support is really no one's fault. I'm not trying to say that Savoie or Farmer are holding back resources. They simply don't have the resources avalible to them. And this lack of resources has been UL's struggle for decades now and by the looks of it it's going to get worse before it gets better.

  10. Default Re: Pride

    Who besides LSU and maybe Tulane with their tinker toy stadium have better facilities than UL??? We do have some nice drop-down batting cages in the IPF and I think the 2nd largest seating capacity after LSU!!!

  11. #23

    Default Re: Pride

    This doesn't matter for recruits but press boxes at the Tigue are just awful.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Pride

    We don't just compete against Louisiana schools for recruits, but also against SunBelt programs. We're mid-pack and are not making up any ground. And when compared to other regional programs that we compete against for recruits (or should)...teams like Houston, SoMiss, Texas State...we're behind and falling.

    Not saying its anyone's fault in particular. Just reality.

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