When they were in the prime of their lives, dad became a switch hitter and would routinely hit it deep in the gap from either side. He'd hit it high or low. It really didn't matter to dad. This troubled mom, but she would get her revenge by sitting down three guys in a row on many a night. She really liked taking her time and catching it on the edges. She had a lot of movement and could really work it from side to side. Her sweet spot was high in the zone and dad would take a lick at it if she put it up there.
On some nights, mom would pull out her bat and have a crack at it. Dad was eager to catch her when she worked her stick. He liked to put on the leather too, but he had bad knees and didn't like sqatting for long periods of time. Mom would play the field as well and really enjoyed camping out under deep balls over the center. She loved the way balls smacked her mit when they were driven deep. She could also move pretty well and wasn't afraid to climb the wall to get a deep one.
In later years, dad started using performance enhancing drugs to keep it up in the box. It wasn't as much for size as endurance. Mom was bad about looking past dad to the guy behind him with a bigger stick, but dad would make her pay by taking her yard. When she wasn't in a good mood, she brushed dad back out of the box with some nasty inside stuff. He didn't mind... he'd hold his ground, both hands gripping it firmly and take everything she gave him. If another man was staring at her from the corner, mom would turn and show him here back side, get in a wide stance, bend over and glance over at him. This made dad mad... he would step out of the box and make her start all over. That kind of aggravated mom... she'd be ready to bring it and he'd back off. Dad didn't like her concentrating on another man when he was in the box.
One day, mom made the mistake of not warming up and getting a good lather going... she hurried her motion... and ended up having to have surgery. After that, if she wasn't careful and left it hanging over the fat part too long, dad would knock the stitches off of it.