Has anybody or you from the contractors seen what the finished product is suppose to look like??? I can see where they have gotten rid of the kitchen area and the old bookstore area (just amazing but after the dorms I believe all)---I was in charge of part of the training table for a couple of years and I would go to Delcambre and sometimes I would have shrimp and crabs on the menu---fun times!!!
More demolition of the student union. These photos taken on Dec 23.
Taken from McKinley Street
Taken from the top of Olivier Parking Tower.
Taken from the rear of Our Lady of Wisdom Chapel.
Demolition work is letting the light shine in on what used to be the main hall. Taken from the rear of Wharton Hall.
Breakthrough to the Cypress lake facade. Cypress Lake is to the left. The portion of the Student Union building to the right will remain.
More demolition shots this time from Sunday December 30. I did not post last week because I was at a bowl game in New Orleans and did not have enough time to post.
Another breakthrough. This one to the Boucher Street facade. This is where the book store loading dock was. McLauren Gym is to the left. Photo taken from the north Harris Hall fire escape.
Photo taken from McKinley street.
Getting deeper into the building. The Bookstore section will remain.
Another shot from McKinley street
A shot from the top of Olivier Parking tower
More light into the what was the main hall of the Union. If you look closely you can see the same manlift through the door second from the right that was seen in the bookstore shot above.
Well they got busy last week despite the New Years Holiday and rain every day but Thursday and Friday.
A view from the North Harris Hall fire Escape. The bookstore wing is to the left and will remain. The area that was demolished will be rebuilt and expanded as the new food service area.
A view of the bookstore wing from the top of Olivier Parking Tower.
Completed demolition of the Student Union with Bookstore on the right and Ball room on the left. From the top of Olivier Parking Tower.
Ball room wing to remain and be renovated. As seen from the top of Olivier Parking Tower.
Salvaged dining table from the dining area that workers use to eat their lunch. They might want to drill some holes on the seats.
View into the main hall of the ball room wing. A little bit more light in the building this week over last week. Bonin and Corona residence halls can be seen through the glass in the doors.
View of the student union as seen from one of the planters adjacent to Cypress Lake. The concrete canopy will remain.
A view from across Cypress Lake. Olivier Parking tower is to the rear of the photo.
Don't know how much work they will get done next week they are predicting rain Tuesday,through Thursday.
It just occurred to me how funny it is that the admin could move ahead with these renovation and construction projects without the campus aster plan having been finished down to the last t being crossed and the last I dotted but we couldn't move ahead with the much needed and long promised new weight room until every last detail of the athletic plan is completed.
Great shots HelmutVII the one from the top of Olivier Parking Tower has a Greek ruins feel to it.
I have the same question: I would love to see blue prints/floor plans/elevations of what the new union will loook like. Anyone knows where to find this? All I have been able to find is the elevation from McKinley Street (used in the all of the Masterplan adverts).
Same thing goes for Cajunfield....any drawings of those proposed changes?
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