Finally some progress in getting out of the ground.
This is the new food service wing as seen from the side of Corona residence hall. Guillory hall is to the right. It has taken some time to get to this point because of all the underground water and sewer lines for the new kitchen. Storm drainage pipes are in the foreground waiting to be installed.
A view from the rear of McLauren Gym. This will give you an idea of how far the middle section of the building is being moved towards McKinley street.
A view from the top of Olivier Parking tower. They are installing auger cast piles by using the rig with the ladder auger on the left.
Auger cast piles installed next to the bookstore.
Auger cast piles installed next to the ballroom/theater.
Close up of the top of an auger cast pile. Auger cast piles were used under Olivier parking tower. The sheet metal top will be removed when the foundation is constructed
Front view of Buchanan Hall from the rear of Guillory Hall
Rear view of Buchanan Hall as seen from the Rose Garden