When football seasons open, media types tend to gravitate toward players who are good interviews ... those who are interesting in conversations and provide good quotes.
UL's no exception when it comes to having certain players who can be counted upon to provide insight into the squad, or just to insert some humor into what can be a monotonous series of practices.
Mostly, it's the older players, the ones more experienced with handling interviews and generally relating to people, that wind up becoming virtual spokesmen for the program.
Seniors like quarterback Jerry Babb, cornerback Michael Adams, end Tony Hills and defensive tackle Marshall Delesdernier have done so many interviews that it comes second nature to them -- to the point of providing unsolicited comments.
"It was a very good first day," Babb said Monday, tongue firmly planted in cheek and laughing at the cliché as he ran off the practice field.
The rest of the story
Dan McDonald