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Thread: 2006 BullGator Mascot Idea

  1. #1

    UL Football 2006 BullGator Mascot Idea

    I've been playing around with new mascots, just because I really don't like Cayenne. So I liked Turbine's idea of using a Bull Gator, since they are indigenous to Louisiana and their is only one other team in the country that uses the mascot. Now I love Ragin Cajuns, and that should be our bread and butter, but why not use a gator just as our mascot. Here is my rendition of what it could look like, I liked Fideaux (pronounced Fy-Doe), just because I heard it somewhere and it made me laugh, but I also like Rage as a name too. I wasn't really sure about the cut off blue jeans but I figured why not, just wanted to get some opinons on it. Because from what I understand there are alot of people like me, that just don't like Cayenne so maybe if some influencial people see my idea and like it, they can pass it on to the governing bodies who make these decisions. Gimmie your opinions, like, what I can change, or if you just don't like it at all. I did it with a simple paint program so its not gonna be perfect. Also I started with just a plain Gator I found on the internet, and added the Jersey, and pants. I don't know what kind of copy right there is on that Gator but I'm sure we could use a similar one. Lemme know what yall think.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Mascot Idea

    I like the red streak in the tail. This is way better than a pepper.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mascot Idea

    Hey CajunFan64, great job with the artwork!

    I do not like Cayenne very much either. He is a pepper. He should not be a mascot.

    I really like the print you've drawn here but I wonder if it's a good idea being that UF uses this mascot. Now I know it isn't our nickname but don't we want to be original? Think about it, we are the Ragin' Cajuns. No one has a name like us, don't you think we should have a mascot that goes with this idea? I realize this would probably be better than 'Mr. Cajun' or 'Cajun Man' whichever he was called, due to peoples heritage blah blah... AND I really like the way you tied it to the old bulldog (don't know if you meant it) but I'm still not sure.

    What if we used a Crawfish? Yes I know, it sounds crazy at first... but think about it. You could beef him up, throw on a UL jersey, white pants (he already has the red) and he'd be good to go! Who can argue with a crawfish? EVERYBODY around here likes crawfish... and to top it off. We would be the ONLY school with a Crawfish mascot. We would still be known as the Cajuns and the crawfish would accent that.

    Crawfish = Cajun


  4. #4

    USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: Mascot Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFan64
    I've been playing around with new mascots, just because I really don't like Cayenne. So I liked Turbine's idea of using a Gator, since they are indigenous to Louisiana and their is only one other team in the country that uses the mascot. Now I love Ragin Cajuns, and that should be our bread and butter, but why not use a gator just as our mascot. Here is my rendition of what it could look like, I liked Fideaux (pronounced Fy-Doe), just because I heard it somewhere and it made me laugh, but I also like Rage as a name too. I wasn't really sure about the cut off blue jeans but I figured why not, just wanted to get some opinons on it. Because from what I understand there are alot of people like me, that just don't like Cayenne so maybe if some influencial people see my idea and like it, they can pass it on to the governing bodies who make these decisions. Gimmie your opinions, like, what I can change, or if you just don't like it at all. I did it with a simple paint program so its not gonna be perfect. Also I started with just a plain Gator I found on the internet, and added the Jersey, and pants. I don't know what kind of copy right there is on that Gator but I'm sure we could use a similar one. Lemme know what yall think.
    Great picture. This should be the mascot instead of that obscene gesture folks refer to as "cayenne". Although I'm SURE to get rediculed about it, I was always and still a firm believer that our mascot should have been the bulldogs or the gators instead of ragin cajuns. Yeah, that nickname is unique alright.........I'll leave it that. (and no I do not care about some fan poll on ESPN!)

    Great work with what will hopefully be the future mascot.

  5. #5

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Mascot Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFan64
    I've been playing around with new mascots, just because I really don't like Cayenne. So I liked Turbine's idea of using a Gator, since they are indigenous to Louisiana and their is only one other team in the country that uses the mascot. Now I love Ragin Cajuns, and that should be our bread and butter, but why not use a gator just as our mascot. Here is my rendition of what it could look like, I liked Fideaux (pronounced Fy-Doe), just because I heard it somewhere and it made me laugh, but I also like Rage as a name too. I wasn't really sure about the cut off blue jeans but I figured why not, just wanted to get some opinons on it. Because from what I understand there are alot of people like me, that just don't like Cayenne so maybe if some influencial people see my idea and like it, they can pass it on to the governing bodies who make these decisions. Gimmie your opinions, like, what I can change, or if you just don't like it at all. I did it with a simple paint program so its not gonna be perfect. Also I started with just a plain Gator I found on the internet, and added the Jersey, and pants. I don't know what kind of copy right there is on that Gator but I'm sure we could use a similar one. Lemme know what yall think.
    They borrowed "The Swamp" so we could use a gator.

    I prefer to have no mascot. Having a mascot implies you are that mascot, and Ragin'Cajuns need no animal like the poor boys to the east who need to check their manhood with a poor caged beast.

  6. #6

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Mascot Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFan64
    I've been playing around with new mascots, just because I really don't like Cayenne. So I liked Turbine's idea of using a Gator, since they are indigenous to Louisiana and their is only one other team in the country that uses the mascot. Now I love Ragin Cajuns, and that should be our bread and butter, but why not use a gator just as our mascot. Here is my rendition of what it could look like, I liked Fideaux (pronounced Fy-Doe), just because I heard it somewhere and it made me laugh, but I also like Rage as a name too. I wasn't really sure about the cut off blue jeans but I figured why not, just wanted to get some opinons on it. Because from what I understand there are alot of people like me, that just don't like Cayenne so maybe if some influencial people see my idea and like it, they can pass it on to the governing bodies who make these decisions. Gimmie your opinions, like, what I can change, or if you just don't like it at all. I did it with a simple paint program so its not gonna be perfect. Also I started with just a plain Gator I found on the internet, and added the Jersey, and pants. I don't know what kind of copy right there is on that Gator but I'm sure we could use a similar one. Lemme know what yall think.
    I too like it and sent it to John Claude at the Alumni Association! Bottom line is it Fits with our Swamps(north and south campus), fits with Acadiana, and would make more sense than the pepper as both a mascot and a spirit leader!

    PS PM me if I can help in anyway shape or form!!

  7. #7
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Mascot Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by ULforlife
    Hey CajunFan64, great job with the artwork!

    I do not like Cayenne very much either. He is a pepper. He should not be a mascot.

    I really like the print you've drawn here but I wonder if it's a good idea being that UF uses this mascot. Now I know it isn't our nickname but don't we want to be original? Think about it, we are the Ragin' Cajuns. No one has a name like us, don't you think we should have a mascot that goes with this idea? I realize this would probably be better than 'Mr. Cajun' or 'Cajun Man' whichever he was called, due to peoples heritage blah blah... AND I really like the way you tied it to the old bulldog (don't know if you meant it) but I'm still not sure.

    What if we used a Crawfish? Yes I know, it sounds crazy at first... but think about it. You could beef him up, throw on a UL jersey, white pants (he already has the red) and he'd be good to go! Who can argue with a crawfish? EVERYBODY around here likes crawfish... and to top it off. We would be the ONLY school with a Crawfish mascot. We would still be known as the Cajuns and the crawfish would accent that.

    Crawfish = Cajun

    Lose the pepper, it sucks.

    The alligator looks good but too much like UF, then again, they put a crocodile on the front of their media guide a few years ago, so do they really know who tehy want to be.

    As for the crawfish...Have you seen that Vontage commercial where the guy is talking and behind him, there is a guy in a crawfish/lobster suit trying to get through some revolving doors, it looks ridiculous.

    I've heard the idea of dressing a guy up like a "cajun." I think that if Notre Dame can get away with a guy dressed as a leprechaun, then we can get away with a guy dressed as a cajun, oh wait, we aren't Notre Dame. Nevermind, scratch that idea. Plus, in order to make it work, we would have to use too many stereotypes that would degrade the culture anyway, so that is a bad idea.

    After all of that, I have no legitimate suggestion as to what it should be changed to, just that it should be changed.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mascot Idea

    i like the idea of the gator, or crawfish, or even a bullfrog for that matter, so long as it isnt the pepper, but i think you throw some pecan island reeboks on that gator there and you have yourself a winner

  9. Default Re: Mascot Idea

    Great Job CajunFan64!!!!

    I really appreciate your attempt to improve the Ragin Cajun mascot and I can see that you really put in some valuable time and effort into "Fideaux" the Gator! But I think that taking on a Gator to represent the "Ragin Cajuns" would not be in our best interest.

    However, since you are apparently very talented, I would be very curious to see what you could do to come up with a Crawfish mascot, as was mentioned in a few other responses.

    I was thinking that maybe you could incorporate our current "Pepper" (used for seasoning) logo with a "Mean Looking Crawfish" of some kind!!!!

    Ragin Cajuns and Crawfish, it doesn't get any better than that in my opinion! Also, it would keep everything about our nickname and mascot "Very" unique within the entire relm of the NCAA!!!

    Just another thought.

  10. #10

    UL Football Re: Mascot Idea

    I like the Gator just because, sure its Florida's moniker and everything but, look how many bulldog mascots they have in the country. I think the Gator works just because there are tons of them here.

    Alabama uses the Elephant, Miami has a big Pelican, Tulane uses a big Pelican as well. A leprecaun is better defined than a MR. CAJUN, so we don't really know what it is supposed to look like. I like a Gator and not a crawfish, just because, a Gator is just so much more ferocious. I can't think of any other school that has a crustacion as their mascot, its just really not that intimidating. The beauty part is, we could have a live one, WE ALL READY HAVE A HABITAT, its in the middle of campus, why not use it ya know. I say its a perfect marrage, and if you wanna call it a bull gator to be loyal to our bulldog alumni, I have no problem with that, and we could emphasize the Alpha male persona of it all. I'll see what else I can do with a crawfish and such, but I'm not really Jonesen about it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Mascot Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFan64
    I like the Gator just because, sure its Florida's moniker and everything but, look how many bulldog mascots they have in the country. I think the Gator works just because there are tons of them here.

    Alabama uses the Elephant, Miami has a big Pelican, Tulane uses a big Pelican as well. A leprecaun is better defined than a MR. CAJUN, so we don't really know what it is supposed to look like. I like a Gator and not a crawfish, just because, a Gator is just so much more ferocious. I can't think of any other school that has a crustacion as their mascot, its just really not that intimidating. The beauty part is, we could have a live one, WE ALL READY HAVE A HABITAT, its in the middle of campus, why not use it ya know. I say its a perfect marrage, and if you wanna call it a bull gator to be loyal to our bulldog alumni, I have no problem with that, and we could emphasize the Alpha male persona of it all. I'll see what else I can do with a crawfish and such, but I'm not really Jonesen about it.
    hmmm, good points

  12. Default Re: Mascot Idea

    2 Thumbs up ... on the BullGator

    Geaux Cajuns

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