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Thread: 2006: UL vs T A&M

  1. #85

    Default Re: Realistic expectations for 9/9/06

    Quote Originally Posted by Pflugerville Ag
    Unless you want you IQ to drop 20 points, do NOT go to If you want to have an honest conversation about the game w/o having everyone be overly rude to you, try It is 100 times better than texags. Opposing fans opinions are always welcome, unlike the other site. Plus we already have a hotties thread dedicated to the woman of UL as we do everyweek for our opponents.
    LOL!!!!! too funny.


  2. Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginMan02
    Now, THAT'S original, looser!

    It's spelled "loser"

  3. #87

    Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by AgMarauder04
    It's spelled "loser"
    i don't need spelling lessons from no aggie.

  4. #88

    Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Not to interupt this childish argument goingback and forth but i am going to the game and was wondering if there is a vistors tailgating area. Also, where do the students from a&m tailgate? Any aggies fans can help me with that information it would greatly be appreciated.

  5. This is so COOL Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginMan02
    i don't need spelling lessons from no aggie.

    You apparently don't need grammar lessons either.

  6. This is so COOL Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    Not to interupt this childish argument goingback and forth but i am going to the game and was wondering if there is a vistors tailgating area. Also, where do the students from a&m tailgate? Any aggies fans can help me with that information it would greatly be appreciated.
    The entire area is a huge tailgating area. No designated spots except for the parking lots that are season ticket holders. Most of the parks on campus are used for tailgaiting. Many visitors use Duncan Drill Field behind the Quad on George Bush. It's easy to find. Or just show up with a ULL T-shirt on and more than a few Ags will prolly offer you a beer.

  7. #91

    Default Re: Realistic expectations for 9/9/06

    ULL should win this game. If yall running game show's up, and the D-line shows up with the 2 starters that missed the other night, yall could really win the game. But I think yall are going to have to throw the ball a little more than yall did the other night.

  8. Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    Not to interupt this childish argument goingback and forth but i am going to the game and was wondering if there is a vistors tailgating area. Also, where do the students from a&m tailgate? Any aggies fans can help me with that information it would greatly be appreciated.

    There is no dedicated visitors tailgating area. The parking changed this year and has mixed around the students tailgating. If you will go to and do a search for "parking map" you will find a good map that you can follow for the lots.

    Students used to tailgate in lot 61 and some still do (this is now donor only parking). It seems we are now concentrated in lot 61 and surrounding areas. I will be in lot 61 and you are more than welcome to come set up around us. I suggest getting there no later than 1:00 to grab a spot. Hope to see you there!

  9. Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Well, that was fun. Guess the fun's over now.

  10. #94

    Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by AgMarauder04
    Well, that was fun. Guess the fun's over now.
    Thank god, that argument spiraled into oblivion...Thats 30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back.


  11. #95

    Default Re: Why we will beat the Aggies

    Quote Originally Posted by AggieGuy
    There is no dedicated visitors tailgating area. The parking changed this year and has mixed around the students tailgating. If you will go to and do a search for "parking map" you will find a good map that you can follow for the lots.

    Students used to tailgate in lot 61 and some still do (this is now donor only parking). It seems we are now concentrated in lot 61 and surrounding areas. I will be in lot 61 and you are more than welcome to come set up around us. I suggest getting there no later than 1:00 to grab a spot. Hope to see you there!
    I plan on getting there around 4 and just walken around and trying to find some fans to hang out with pre-game.


  12. #96

    Default Re: Realistic expectations for 9/9/06

    Quote Originally Posted by CDeb
    Where are you guys getting the idea that we're going to beat the snot out of the Aggies?

    They may not be as good as they once were, but they're still good.

    While I think we're much more likely to beat TAMU than we were State, that's not saying much.
    I do believe that we'll have a good showing, and gain some yards and beat the spread. With that said, I'll predict a win, but not expect one. Kinda My mind says loss, my heart says win situation.


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