Adjusted RPI (All Games)
#1 California .7176
#2 Alabama .7086
#3 Florida .6908
#4 Texas .6879
#5 Arizona State .6834
#6 Louisiana .6689
#7 Oregon.6672
#8 Oklahoma .6666
#9 Louisville .6656
#10 Washington .6638
#11 Hawaii .6634
#12 Tennessee .6622
#13 Texas A&M .6589
#14 Georgia .6479
#15 DePaul .6461
#16 South Florida .6448
Note how tight it is between Louisiana at #6 and Tennessee at #12. Even Texas A&M at #13 is a mere .0100 behind the Cajuns. The gap between Louisiana at #6 and Arizona State at #7 is significantly wider than the gap between Louisiana at #6 and Texas A&M at #13.
Meanwhile, you have many schools within striking range of the Cajuns that play in the elite conferences and will be benefiting from the dual RPI bonus (both base formula bias and bonus bias) in the coming weeks.
Louisiana RPI Breakdown:
WP: .9677
OWP: .5467
OOWP: .5521
Base RPI: .6533
RPI Bonuses: .0156
Adjusted RPI: .6689
Non-Conference Adjusted RPI
#1 Alabama .7011
#2 Texas .6857
#3 Hawaii .6712
#4 Louisville .6709
#5 California .6684
#6 Louisiana .6659
#7 Oregon .6642
#8 Arizona State .6590
#9 Washington .6516
#10 Florida .6493
#11 Tennessee .6493
#12 Oklahoma .6429
#13 Texas A&M .6389
#14 South Florida .6357
#15 Georgia .6318
#16 Arizona .6298
The Cajuns have a real chance to pass California and approach .6700 in Non-Conference Adjusted RPI with a win over McNeese State this week (all other things being equal).
Louisiana Non-Conference RPI Breakdown:
WP: 1.0000
OWP: .5316
OOWP: .5484
Base RPI: .6529
RPI Bonuses: .0130
Adjusted RPI: .6659
RPI Bonuses
Total RPI bonus is unchanged for the Cajuns this week. However the teams contributing to the Cajuns' RPI bonus did change.
With Northwestern having a Base RPI rank of 52, the Cajuns no longer receive a .0013 bonus for their win over the Wildcats. However, Tulsa moved into the Base RPI Top 25 at #25 ... thus the bonus for the win over Tulsa moves from .0013 to .0026.
South Alabama moved into bonus range this week debuting with a Base RPI rank of 39. The games this weekend against the Jaguars are huge. South Alabama may be the only remaining bonus opportunity for the Cajuns this year ... and hopefully they stay there. Getting swept by the Cajuns will not hurt South Alabama's Base RPI (in fact, I think they would get a decent bump ... even with losing all three) ... but their rank will be dependent on the performance of teams around them.
Obviously the difference between the Cajuns losing .0013 in bonus is one spot in the Base RPI rankings for Tulsa. Michigan also remains at #22.
Meanwhile, there are several Cajun opponents on the verge of moving into the Base RPI Top 50.
Northwestern #52
Kentucky #53
Fresno State #54
Houston #66
Hofstra #68
Florida International #72
McNeese State #71 (McNeese State's RPI will improve with a loss to the Cajuns this week)
Rutgers #79
Mississippi State has solidified their Base RPI at #31, despite getting swept by Alabama this weekend. Their Adjusted RPI went from #39 to #31, despite getting swept by Alabama and winning a single game over Mississippi Valley State. Their Adjusted RPI went from .5855 to .5932. Nice work if you can get it.
Georgia Tech has a Base RPI of #34. Troy fell three spots in Base RPI from #29 to #32.