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Thread: Saints: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

  1. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    are you serious? this is nothing more than ammo for goodell to go into court against all these former players lawsuits about head injuries. He wants to be able to say, see we care about player safety and we are doing everything to protect them, this is nothing more, nothing less. When actually all he cares about is revenue. If he really cared so much about safety why suggest 18 games? money! why not make players wear all the pads that are provided? why allow incentive laden contracts for defensive players at all? why does ray lewis make so much money? because he hurts poeple. people are scared to cross the middle. why does james harrison make so much money? because he hurts people. goodell found the scape goat he was looking for in the saints and took them to the wood shed. Were they wrong in doing what they did? yep, but this is essentially the death penalty to a team that was the leagues doormat for 40 years. Looks like goodell is reminding us of where our place is and trying to cover his own ___. you cant stop this from happening, players will still have side bets with each other for big hits, its part of the game. there is nothing you can do to stop it. why was the league denying the NFLPA to conduct their own investigation? i mean they claim to have 50,000 documents, why not let everyone read them? because its all bull s h i t. roger goodell doesnt want them to stop, because these same vicious violent hits is what makes the nfl a billion dollar industry. If they want to come down for violation of the salary cap, thats fine i can live with that, because thats about the extent of what this was, a violation of the salary cap, players making more money than what was on paper.
    wow? no doubt this is to protect the nfl, he admitted as much. still the nfl and the commissioner will never ignor being lied to. clearly the nfl does not want this on the year that the saints, and new orleans are host to the super bowl, how can that be a good thing for the nfl.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by I_Bleed_RED View Post
    Are you insinuating that the Bounty program is the reason they won the Superbowl? I sure hope not.
    It was part of the Super Bowl run...whether you want to believe it or not.

  3. Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Haven't there been reports that Williams did the same thing when he was with the Redskins?

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    APB: Kevin Foote

    Everyone drop what they are doing and locate Kevin Foote. We must find him and make sure he hasn't suffered a heart attack or stroke.

    He's probably frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Get the paper bags ready...

  6. #18

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Floridian View Post
    Haven't there been reports that Williams did the same thing when he was with the Redskins?
    They cleared the Redskins of any wrong doing. It's a here and now kind of thing I guess.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    wow? no doubt this is to protect the nfl, he admitted as much. still the nfl and the commissioner will never ignor being lied to. clearly the nfl does not want this on the year that the saints, and new orleans are host to the super bowl, how can that be a good thing for the nfl.
    first off im not a conspiracy theorist but do you have any idea how much money the nfl would lose if a host team ever played in the superbowl? he is the biggest hypocrite on the planet. The sad thing is the more he and the media spew out this concern for safety garbage the more people believe it. It is all about the dollar and nothing else. roger goodell could care less if retired players eat from a straw and crap their pants when they turn 40, if he can protect the revenue of the league against lawsuits. he doesnt care one bit about player safety. If this happened to pittsburgh,dallas or heaven forbid the almight new york football giants. there is no way in hell the penalty is this harsh. nothing you can say will make me belive otherwise. all these former players now wanting to step up to sue, they sure didnt have a problem collecting those game checks all those years. they know the risk of playing the game. what's next, boxing where you dont punch in the head?

  8. #20

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    are you serious? this is nothing more than ammo for goodell to go into court against all these former players lawsuits about head injuries. He wants to be able to say, see we care about player safety and we are doing everything to protect them, this is nothing more, nothing less. When actually all he cares about is revenue. If he really cared so much about safety why suggest 18 games? money! why not make players wear all the pads that are provided? why allow incentive laden contracts for defensive players at all? why does ray lewis make so much money? because he hurts poeple. people are scared to cross the middle. why does james harrison make so much money? because he hurts people. goodell found the scape goat he was looking for in the saints and took them to the wood shed. Were they wrong in doing what they did? yep, but this is essentially the death penalty to a team that was the leagues doormat for 40 years. Looks like goodell is reminding us of where our place is and trying to cover his own ___. you cant stop this from happening, players will still have side bets with each other for big hits, its part of the game. there is nothing you can do to stop it. why was the league denying the NFLPA to conduct their own investigation? i mean they claim to have 50,000 documents, why not let everyone read them? because its all bull s h i t. roger goodell doesnt want them to stop, because these same vicious violent hits is what makes the nfl a billion dollar industry. If they want to come down for violation of the salary cap, thats fine i can live with that, because thats about the extent of what this was, a violation of the salary cap, players making more money than what was on paper. in fact go on and all they say is how this shows how serious goodell is about player safety. really? thats weird that all over the website that he has control over it mentions how much this shows he is concerned about this. PROPAGANDA bull s h i t !! All the while nothing happend to the god, bill bellicheck who actually damaged the integrity of the game by cheating. For all the supposed illegal hits by the saints, where are they? they had refs on the field for all those games last i checked. We were not penalized anymore than anyone else. we did not have cart offs more than anyone else.
    Conspiracy, hypocrisy, propaganda...all nice words...but it does not change the fact that they lied to the NFL and didn't stop it. That makes any other point 100% moot.

    I see this also as a reactive stance on player safety instead of a proactive stance. Is the problem that NFL players are snarling beasts who want injure and kill? No. Has the culture of football changed from fundamentals to over the top flashiness? Yes. The problem is not that these players are going out there to hurt people, it's that this is what today's NFL audience wants. These players do not know how to tackle. If you turn your shoulder towards the ball carrier to lay him out, you are not trying to tackle him. Any tackle not following strict guidelines should be a fine. Prolonged use of non-allowed tackles would result in banishment. Chuck Cecil knows that I am talking about. James Harrison should be working at Best Buy. As much as we as fans love the big time hit, but we hate players who try to arm tackle and miss easy tackles because they are show boating. That's a zero sum game. Unless the NFL does something about players not knowing how to play football the correct way, it is ____ing in the wind. The hardest hit I ever saw...was Bronco Nagurski destroying a guy on a screen pass with a 100% fundamental tackle on an episode of NFL Films Presents. The guy had bruised ribs, but he was completely annihilated.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    It was part of the Super Bowl run...whether you want to believe it or not.
    You're a complete idiot dude. To insinuate that the Saints won the Super Bowl with direct regards to a bounty system is just utter stupidity.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    You're a complete idiot dude. To insinuate that the Saints won the Super Bowl with direct regards to a bounty system is just utter stupidity.
    Don't twist my words...I said it was a part of the Super Bowl run. That's all I said.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    This goes on on every team, every game. It's part of football. Payton was suspended to make the commisioner look good and I have to agree with another post cover his butt and make it seem like he actually cares about players after they have left the NFL. Which they don't.

  12. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Sean Payton suspended for 1 year.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    first off im not a conspiracy theorist but do you have any idea how much money the nfl would lose if a host team ever played in the superbowl? he is the biggest hypocrite on the planet. The sad thing is the more he and the media spew out this concern for safety garbage the more people believe it. It is all about the dollar and nothing else. roger goodell could care less if retired players eat from a straw and crap their pants when they turn 40, if he can protect the revenue of the league against lawsuits. he doesnt care one bit about player safety. If this happened to pittsburgh,dallas or heaven forbid the almight new york football giants. there is no way in hell the penalty is this harsh. nothing you can say will make me belive otherwise. all these former players now wanting to step up to sue, they sure didnt have a problem collecting those game checks all those years. they know the risk of playing the game. what's next, boxing where you dont punch in the head?
    Don't know how much they would lose, but it could have happened in 2010, and 2011, and it could happen when it goes to New York. Now you can say what you want but they would lose nothing if the Saints were in the Super Bowl in New Orleans, it would be a marketing bonaza.

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