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Thread: Clubs and Organizations

  1. #1

    Louisiana S-Club Clubs and Organizations

    Info take from the Athletic Network Website

    The first sports booster club at USL was the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute Athletic Institution. It was formed in 1909 by the students and faculty “to promote enthusiasm among the students and to unite the different branches of athletics in which the Institute participates.”
    The S Club was organized on May 28, 1922, “to help the cause of Athletics at the old school and to keep the old ‘gang’ together.”
    In 1927, the Southwestern Side-Lines Club was organized by supporters of the athletic teams. W.B. Vennard, first chairman of the club, said its purpose was to act as a “go-between” between the public and SLI’s athletic activities.
    The Red Jacket Club, a women’s organization to support the athletic programs, was formed in 1937. One of its major functions was the sale of season tickets.
    A similar organization, the Southwestern Boosters’ Club, was organized in 1940. It was supported by the American Legion, Young Men’s Business Club, Lions Club, Rotary Club, and the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce.

    How many of these groups still exist?

  2. Default

    The UL "S" Club while severely neglected still exists.

    The "S" that once stood for Southwestern should now stand for "Sports." It fits.

  3. #3


    Is'nt the S-Club the same as what we call the QB Club?

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