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Thread: Lafayette Louisiana - The South's Tastiest Town

  1. Default Lafayette Louisiana - The South's Tastiest Town

    Lafayette wins Southern Living's 'Tastiest Town

    Lafayette wins! Lafayette wins!

    The winner of Southern Living's Tastiest Town in the South Contest has been announced on their website. With 519,729 votes cast in the entire contest, Lafayette stole the show with 194,502 votes.

    Lafayette's biggest competition, Louisville, took second place by an astounding 35,496 fewer votes than Lafayette. It was a tough push and pull in those last weeks with the Kentucky city. But, Lafayette's delicious dishes captured the hearts of the community and those votes outweighted the competition.

  2. Default Lafayette Louisiana - The South's Tastiest Town per Southern Living magazine

    Okay, my Cajun dialect might be terrible however the food down here truly is the best in the south. Now that New Orleans is clearly out of the running due to mass exodus of people from Hurricane Katrina, Lafayette can now win hands down. Its Lafayette’s ...

    Homes SO Clean

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