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Thread: UL Engineering Students Receive Baja Award

  1. Research UL Engineering Students Receive Baja Award

      This week, a group of mechanical engineering students at UL finished among some the top engineering colleges in the nation.

    The competition involved designing, building and racing a miniature dune buggy.

    At last week's competition in Portland, UL's seven-member team placed sixth out of a field of nearly 150 other universities.

    That is the highest UL has ever placed in this annual competition.

    In addition to American universities, the field of 150 competitors also included 22 international teams.

    The source of the story, and video

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: UL Engineering Students Receive Baja Award

    Geaux Baja Team. Those are my tailgating crew. Cant wait for tailgating season to start again.

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