Poll: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball

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Thread: Poll - What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball

  1. #49

    Default Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball

    I want to know why the UL softball games are not sold out! These girls can play and trust me if you have never been to a UL softball game you are missing out on some excellent offense and defense!

    19 - 0 baby

    Oh about the topic at hand... winning creates buzz in this town. Simple as that. I wondered where everyone was when I was out at Cajun Field in the rain under the Bustle years. I could have a whole section to myself. Winning cures.

    Icegators used to sell out the dome when they won.
    UL Basketball had 8,000 to end the season last year when they won.

    I love all the new Saints fans I have met over the last couple of years.

    Basketball is inconsistent. You have to create a product in which fans want to be a part of it. Winning is a brand. Losing isn't. When I say winning you need to win with the occasional loss, but always be at the top of the conference. That's the expectation across the country. I'm sure there are message boards all over the country asking the same attendance questions over and over.

  2. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by TheRaginCajun06 View Post
    I want to know why the UL softball games are not sold out! These girls can play and trust me if you have never been to a UL softball game you are missing out on some excellent offense and defense!

    19 - 0 baby

    Oh about the topic at hand... winning creates buzz in this town. Simple as that. I wondered where everyone was when I was out at Cajun Field in the rain under the Bustle years. I could have a whole section to myself. Winning cures.

    Icegators used to sell out the dome when they won.
    UL Basketball had 8,000 to end the season last year when they won.

    I love all the new Saints fans I have met over the last couple of years.

    Basketball is inconsistent. You have to create a product in which fans want to be a part of it. Winning is a brand. Losing isn't. When I say winning you need to win with the occasional loss, but always be at the top of the conference. That's the expectation across the country. I'm sure there are message boards all over the country asking the same attendance questions over and over.
    Great points 06'. I feel worse about not catching more of the ladies' softball events than I do anything else in this town. I have enjoyed listening to their games on the radio & can say without a doubt, it's the best radio Stevie P. does by far any more. I'm thinking it's the women making his calls sound so good.

  3. UL Softball Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball

    Stevie P is a broadcaster who speaks like a fan. That can be both good and bad. Last night I don't know how many times he quipped about not wanting to waste duck on the pond opportunites in the same inning.

  4. #52

    Default Re: What percentage of Football support is acceptable for Basketball

    31,000 x 6 home games = 186,000 seats in football

    12,000 x 15 home games = 180,000 seats in basketball

    180,000 divided by 186,000 = 97%

    I don't think you can attract the coach and the athletes necessary for long-term success unless you operate accordingly.

    It sounds impossible, but football did average 29,000 per game and I didn't see that coming this past year.

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