Anyone know the root booster?
Anyone know the root booster?
Geaux Cajuns
its all about section L... ragin elvis will make an appearance sunday... should be good fun
Someone needs to contact this guy and make sure he attends football and basketball games. This is MUCH better than that disgusting pepper
I don't know him, but it sure was funny to watch him ____ off some Troy fans!!Originally Posted by Turbine
This one little girl was about to go psycho.....she kind of did by yelling and throwing water at him. Sore sport, thats for sure!! He was just dancing and spraying silly string.
Later she went down by the fence and pouted while pulling for her team. It didn't help. She later had a seat and didn't cheer much as we put up 5 and 6 runs in consecutive innings.
We sure don't need fans like her visiting OUR stadium!!
(Remember....its just a game and we're supposed to have a good time....I know I did....oh...and it was fun watching and laughing at a young woman throw a fit like a little 8 year old too!!!)
I sure hope that none of our fans are immature like that at road games. Troy had a nice little group....but for some reason her little temper left a bad taste in my mouth.I guess it could be a way for them to start a "rivalry" with us.
My first home was purchased from the original cajun chicken older brother! The Cajun Chicken was the bomb, I really do miss the skits and my kids do as well.
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