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Thread: Burnt ROUX: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

  1. #205

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Two, which unfortunately if you go back & read my presuspension comments were enough to realize this team had taken major steps backward from a team that was searching for its identity earlier in the season. I am not happy to report that I believe it is finding its identity........ As Cybil. I understand the grounded fan support of the coach, but should this cycle happen a third time you can rest assured, it is more the simply a generation of spoiled children which do not listen to their elders, its more a case of someone in over their head, that can't see or hear the forrest for the trees.
    Serious 2 games? You went from cred to crude. I am not sure what this kid did to you but I for one am looking forward to next 4 years. We have a bright future and all I hear is this cr@p. Great name you have for yourself, please just jump off the bandwagon!

  2. #206

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    2? Do you have some other intimate contact that allows you to know so much about the inner workings of the team?

    Note, I'm not claiming that you need a degree, but I would think anyone would need more game watching experience than 2 to draw such detailed and long winded conclusions.

    I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes and neither do you. So for now it seems logical to assume the guy with the proven track record knows more than some kids.....or even you.

    When more comes out, we will be able to draw more informed conclusions.
    I agree with you to an extent. But this type of situation has presented itself many times before in college basketball with less than desirable conclusions unfortunately. There are many people who still think that Bobby Knight was a wonderful guy because he was lucky enough to be part of an era where a guy could do what he did & get away with it. He was pretty dispicable in his conduct & was not an example of someone I would respect or want my kids to play for, but some people worshipped the guy becasue of the results he achieved. Mike Kzychefsky was his protege & has had much more success in a more competitive time doing things a completely different way. Poeple hate this guy for no reason, but I have a lot of repsect for him as a leader & example setter & roloe model.

    And as I stated before, I hope when all is said & done, I will be told I was WRONG. I sincerely hope to be wrong. I do think however, that it will not be long before the evidence by virtue of the play of the team will present itself. The most unfortunate thing about all of this is, it isn't about thuggery, crime, or even about not going to school. It is about the team & what is best for the team. The players are the biggest part of that. This will begin to shake itself out sooner rather than later. That is why I think this conference tournament will go a long way in determining what the cause of this situation is.

  3. #207

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    Quote Originally Posted by APragincajun View Post
    and p.s sarcasm doesnt get you anywhere
    "(!)" Thanks for the heads up "(!)"

  4. #208


    No problem sir, u have a blessed day

    Quote Originally Posted by reddot View Post
    "(!)" Thanks for the heads up "(!)"

  5. #209

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinately

    We now know that Marlin does NOT "fear the beard".

    He shaved it OFF.

  6. #210


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    nobody knows what's going on except for the people in the room when this was done. Which most likely is only marlin, andrews and thomas. It's over, the peope close to mone and jj will defend them to the end because they are biased. The rest will defend marlin to the end because they are biased. For whatever reason these 2 guys are suspended and thats a decision marlin will have to live with. The man has a lot to lose, you know like his job. If he thinks its better for the team and the program then so be it. Thats his choice because he was hired to run this program. If he runs it into the ground, he will be let go. If it happens to work out like the rest of his entire career then I geuss it was a wise decision. Alos, for everyone saying how insane and terrible this man is, Didnt he win the skip prosser man of the year award which goes to the coach in division 1 basketball that exhibits strong moral character. I guess all of those who voted were insane as well. This is a huge problem today with younger athletes who think it is a right to play college sports not a privilege. This is mone's 3rd suspension but it never seems to be his fault. Reminds of when I was young, when I would get in trouble but it was never my fault, until my dad pointed out that it is never my fault but I always happen to be there. I could be wrong but I'm going to trust a man who has built his career on building teams not individuals. He said it was team first when he got here, sounds like a couples young men wanted to test him on that.
    Man of the year award come on lol...the guy takes in a hurricaine kayrina victim in ashton mitchell who wrote a letter about what he went through and how sam houston recruited him hard made him feal great during a tough time and he is a man of the year off of a cinderalla story people...this man id no stand up man if he cant work with pplayer realtionships..thats probably why he divorced hr just recruits no chicks lol...principle people

  7. #211


    Quote Originally Posted by reddot View Post
    Sorry if the reference to the “Fear the Beard” promotion offended you. I found it ironic that the evening that was promoted as senior night and a night to honor a former player seemingly turned into a night of self promotion. Hopefully these two young men will go on to do great things and if they are in some way honored for their contributions I hope all those involved are dutifully respectful
    the guy batiste had no senior night

  8. #212

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    Quote Originally Posted by uluser View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    nobody knows what's going on except for the people in the room when this was done. Which most likely is only marlin, andrews and thomas. It's over, the peope close to mone and jj will defend them to the end because they are biased. The rest will defend marlin to the end because they are biased. For whatever reason these 2 guys are suspended and thats a decision marlin will have to live with. The man has a lot to lose, you know like his job. If he thinks its better for the team and the program then so be it. Thats his choice because he was hired to run this program. If he runs it into the ground, he will be let go. If it happens to work out like the rest of his entire career then I geuss it was a wise decision. Alos, for everyone saying how insane and terrible this man is, Didnt he win the skip prosser man of the year award which goes to the coach in division 1 basketball that exhibits strong moral character. I guess all of those who voted were insane as well. This is a huge problem today with younger athletes who think it is a right to play college sports not a privilege. This is mone's 3rd suspension but it never seems to be his fault. Reminds of when I was young, when I would get in trouble but it was never my fault, until my dad pointed out that it is never my fault but I always happen to be there. I could be wrong but I'm going to trust a man who has built his career on building teams not individuals. He said it was team first when he got here, sounds like a couples young men wanted to test him on that.
    Man of the year award come on lol...the guy takes in a hurricaine kayrina victim in ashton mitchell who wrote a letter about what he went through and how sam houston recruited him hard made him feal great during a tough time and he is a man of the year off of a cinderalla story people...this man id no stand up man if he cant work with pplayer realtionships..thats probably why he divorced hr just recruits no chicks lol...principle people
    Between the elementary vocabulary/grammar and the WTFness of your posts.....I can tell you are a headcase.

  9. #213


    Who are U

    Quote Originally Posted by uluser View Post
    the guy batiste had no senior night

  10. #214

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    When you don't stress the team concept and hold players accountable, this is what happens.

    If Ben Howland acted like Bob Marlin, he wouldn't be having this problem.

  11. #215

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    I like to think Bob Marlin is the Incredible Mr. Limpet.

  12. #216

    Default Re: JJ Thomas and Raymone Andrews suspended indefinitely

    Quote Originally Posted by uluser View Post
    Man of the year award come on lol...the guy takes in a hurricaine kayrina victim in ashton mitchell who wrote a letter about what he went through and how sam houston recruited him hard made him feal great during a tough time and he is a man of the year off of a cinderalla story people...this man id no stand up man if he cant work with pplayer realtionships..thats probably why he divorced hr just recruits no chicks lol...principle people
    what do you want the man to do? cure cancer with his mind? You can't even spell your own thoughts. This is two immature basketball players who think they are more important than the team and at the end of the day, the man who is responsible for this program made a decision. What I want to know is what is everyone going to say when these guys transfer and continue to have attitude problems or dont pan out to be the all americans they think they are. Will you come back and say marlin was right? I doubt it because most likely from your comments you are also a biased immature person who doesnt understand how life works. Try this, go to work tomorrow and tell the boss that the way he runs his business is wrong, tell him he doesnt deserve to be where he is because he has always been wrong. Walk around your work place with a dont give a s h i t attitude, when he calls you on it, continue. I'm sure that tomorrow will end well for you.

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