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Thread: Cajun Pawn Stars

  1. #25

    Default Re: Cajun Pawn Stars

    Quote Originally Posted by 1TheDon1 View Post
    I see your point on the consignment shop but obviously you are either a pawn broker or just a plain ole crook yourself. If you cannot find my answer in all that text that I typed then its pretty apparent that you dont want to see the answer. Also, I never said it is immoral for businesses to buy products and resell for profits, that is exactly what my company does and I have been quiet profitable from doing so, however, I pay the asking wholesale prices asked of me. Now, what I stated was exactly how pawn shops take advantage of others and pay as little as possible and that is because of their own greed, want and gain. Maybe if the customer asked $10 for their goods and their goods were actually going to be sold by the pawn broker for $30, if indeed the pawn broker bought them then I would not feel so bad towards pawn brokers if the pawn broker would have paid the customer the $10 that they asked, but of course the pawn broker will only pay less than the fair asking price of $10 and so that is my whole point. They are CROOKS. That is how I feel regardless of your debate and you will not change my mind and I could care less how you feel about pawn brokers period just as you probably could care less of how I feel about them so just pawn your goods or stick up for those that take advantage of others, that will at least let me know what kind of person you probably are.

    Here's a few quotes for you............. It sounds as though at least one of them might fit you very well.

    “There is one way to find out if a man is honest; ask him! If he says yes you know he's crooked.”

    “To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face.”

    "He who befriends a man whose conduct is vicious, whose vision impure, and who is notoriously crooked, is rapidly ruined.”

    Maybe this one......

    “Do not be very upright in your dealings for you would see by going to the forest that straight trees are cut down while crooked ones are left standing.”

    First off, EVERY single argument you have made makes NO sense.

    Secondly, they are better off than Lawyers who 100% profit on people's misfortunes. Guess we should end that profession too.

  2. #26

    Default Re: Cajun Pawn Stars

    Quote Originally Posted by lxa656 View Post

    Secondly, they are better off than Lawyers who 100% profit on people's misfortunes. Guess we should end that profession too.
    That is a bigger generalization than the Pawn Shop example.

  3. #27

    Default Re: Cajun Pawn Stars

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    That is a bigger generalization than the Pawn Shop example.
    Well it's true. Look, my mom is an attorney, i dont "hate" attorneys. Just saying, when something goes wrong, you see an attorney.

    There are almost no examples that someone goes to an attorney for something other than a misfortune.

    Not a knock on them, just a fact.

  4. #28

    Default Re: Cajun Pawn Stars

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Bandwagon I agree with most of your post on this subject. I managed to maintian myself from commenting on the absurd post. Pawn shops offer a way to get short term money. People might get short term money with little or no fees and interest. Mostly they are not the poor slobs who have made bad choices since the first grade, they are people who have done all the right things.

    As for those who are liquidating a valued product to the theives at the pawn shop. I believe there are auction houses, and internet sites to sell all sorts of stuff, there are garage sales for the less valued items.

    Now I agree with your assement of virtually all government. They are thieves with the power of a gun and prison to make sure you accept your poor slob status regardless of what steps you have taken to better your lives.

    Now for those with a social conern about bad folks. May I offer Troy and Hulk Hogan pimping Rent a Center. Now there is a racket, but again the victims all volunteer. The typical rental agreement calls for a 300% markup. they buy a television for a hundred bucks and rent it for three hundred. If you are fortunate to make all 18 months it is yours to keep.

    IMO the role of government in all these things is to make sure that the contracts are plain and simple.

    Finally for those who are worried about the pawn vicitims. Their only other option, since these folks would not allow them to barter their valuables, is a loan shark. We all kinda know that is not a way we want them to go.
    I must say your thoughts on Troy Aikman & Hulk Hogan concerning rental houses is epic. These guys have totally prostituted themselves for a store that does nothing but rip people off. Is it legal? Yes. Is it moral? Anyone who thinks it is needs to get their moral compass adjusted quick. The problem is most of the people they deal with have a history of not paying their bills & causing everyone else to suffer not becasue of their misfortunes, but because they have not paid for purchases made in the past, which is thievery?

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