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Thread: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

  1. #1

    Default Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    I found this on college confidential the student needs help in deciding between ULL and LSU for Petroleum Engineering.


    "I am looking between LSU and ULL for petroleum engineering. Today while i was searching through LSU's main site, i could not find the Tiger Transfer scholarship. Now money being a major issue for me attending school. I started looking at ULL as a sort of back up plan in case LSU prove to be a dud.

    Anyone know much about University of Louisiana of Lafayette in general? or about the program? I wont lie i wanted to go to LSU not only for the program but to also have fun in Baton Rouge. Since money is gonna be an issue for me. I am really considering ULL.

    Judging from the scholarship and tuition information. I might even be able to get a full ride with scholarships, and grants and be debt free by the time i graduate. (i already have student loans). So folks. Anyone can tell me about ULL? Academically and socially? "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by B Robinson View Post
    I found this on college confidential the student needs help in deciding between ULL and LSU for Petroleum Engineering.


    "I am looking between LSU and ULL for petroleum engineering. Today while i was searching through LSU's main site, i could not find the Tiger Transfer scholarship. Now money being a major issue for me attending school. I started looking at ULL as a sort of back up plan in case LSU prove to be a dud.

    Anyone know much about University of Louisiana of Lafayette in general? or about the program? I wont lie i wanted to go to LSU not only for the program but to also have fun in Baton Rouge. Since money is gonna be an issue for me. I am really considering ULL.

    Judging from the scholarship and tuition information. I might even be able to get a full ride with scholarships, and grants and be debt free by the time i graduate. (i already have student loans). So folks. Anyone can tell me about ULL? Academically and socially? "
    Tell him to call Dr. Mark Zappi the Dan of Engineering. Zappis is always willing to talk to any student or prospective student and help them out. In fact I am taking a group of high school seniors over there this Thursday to meet with him and he is givng them a tour and answering any questons they have. He has done this before for me and I know of several others he has helped.

  3. Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Dr Zappi is the greatest Dean in the United States----There will be many posts to follow, but Lafayette is a far nicer social environment than the red neck Cajun Want-a-bees in Baton Rouge---We have cleaner air---less traffic problems----less murders-----Where are you from ---When will you visit---When will you decide????? Dude you have come to the right place to find out with many UL Engineering grads that are making big bucks in their field!!!! Did we tell you that many students work in the Summer with different Oil companies----Wait I will let the guys in the know let you know!!!!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    I graduated in Petroleum from UL this past spring. My little brother has about another year left in Petroleum from LSU. We compare curriculums all the time and he said he would've much rather have come to UL for Petro instead of LSU because of difficulty of classes at LSU, mainly math and physics classes. Although LSU might have a few more professors, UL has some of the most renowned minds of the industry teaching here.

    Another plus is that UL Petro has money being donated to it all the time from past alumni that make some serious bank in the industry. Not to mention so many oilfield personnel that live in the Lafayette area donate to UL petro. However, Baton Rouge will soon be a big boom area for oil because of the re-discovery of the tuscaloosa shale spanning into BR

    I am truly blessed to have graduated from such a distinguished program like UL petroleum. Proud to say that me and 31 others were the largest petro graduating class ever at UL by at least 15 students.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Are there any graduates on here that could provide some information on the PE program? I am considering UL as well as a few other schools (including LSU) and would like to know what the schools reputation in the industry is like and whether or not the school has good contacts within the field. Is it easy to find a job post graduation? I know many of the other schools I have looked at have touted 98-100% placement rates. It should be noted that I am an adult student switching careers. Is the school and the area welcoming to non-traditionals like myself? Thanks in advance for all of the help.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by Medic View Post
    Are there any graduates on here that could provide some information on the PE program? I am considering UL as well as a few other schools (including LSU) and would like to know what the schools reputation in the industry is like and whether or not the school has good contacts within the field. Is it easy to find a job post graduation? I know many of the other schools I have looked at have touted 98-100% placement rates. It should be noted that I am an adult student switching careers. Is the school and the area welcoming to non-traditionals like myself? Thanks in advance for all of the help.
    Contact Dean Mark Zappi at UL. He will be more than happy to talk to you as he has other prospective students. You can find his contact info on the official academic website. He used to be a regular on this board before he became the Dean of Engineering. It's possible he could see your request here but not very likely anymore.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    I know several and work with a few. If companies like Chevron, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, Shell are on your list of companies you would work for than UL will get you that the day you graduate. They will come find you!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    That sounds pretty good. I think I could handle working for one of those companies. UL is near the top of my list so I hope to hear some more great things. Thanks everyone.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by B Robinson View Post
    I found this on college confidential the student needs help in deciding between ULL and LSU for Petroleum Engineering.


    "I am looking between LSU and ULL for petroleum engineering. Today while i was searching through LSU's main site, i could not find the Tiger Transfer scholarship. Now money being a major issue for me attending school. I started looking at ULL as a sort of back up plan in case LSU prove to be a dud.

    Anyone know much about University of Louisiana of Lafayette in general? or about the program? I wont lie i wanted to go to LSU not only for the program but to also have fun in Baton Rouge. Since money is gonna be an issue for me. I am really considering ULL.

    Judging from the scholarship and tuition information. I might even be able to get a full ride with scholarships, and grants and be debt free by the time i graduate. (i already have student loans). So folks. Anyone can tell me about ULL? Academically and socially? "

    Well young man there is not much difference betwixt the U L Engr program OR TECH AND LSU! This is fact. All U L graduates in Engring have at least 3-4 job offers after graduation. It is as good or better than LSU or Tech. Many deem it to be a better program!! Contact DR. Mark Zappi and he will provide all info. for you! Go Cajuns!!

  10. Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    I'm a senior in mechanical currently and there are a few differences that separate UL from schools like Tech and LSU. First off, in your junior and senior level major courses, the class sizes are smaller at UL, giving you a better chance to interact with your classmates and professors. You will have multiple job opportunities coming out of school, no matter the discipline you choose. Thirdly, where would you rather be, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, or Ruston? You should get in touch with Dr. Zap. If possible, come on down for Engineering Day on March 28th. It will give you a great chance to interact with future professors and you will get to see our facilities first hand. Message me if you want more details on that.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    I will definitely get in touch with him. Unfortunately I will be doing this all blindly as I have no time to come visit. Could anyone recommend any nice apartments in a safe neighborhood near the school? I would like to live within 20 minutes. Thanks guys.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Any Petroleum Engineering guys here to help him make up his mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by Medic View Post
    I will definitely get in touch with him. Unfortunately I will be doing this all blindly as I have no time to come visit. Could anyone recommend any nice apartments in a safe neighborhood near the school? I would like to live within 20 minutes. Thanks guys.
    Canterbury Square, Steeple Chase and Maison Bocage are pretty good places in the middle of town.

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