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Thread: Crawfish Mascot?

  1. #13
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    I'm sure this has been discussed. Why not?. Is a Pepper better?..... I personally think it's a good Idea!... Finally we could have a mascot that everyone would recognize!. Get the BEST designers to develop the coolest mascot on EARTH! What would you call him/Her.... let's get some suggestions.... seriously the pepper has got to go.... The Crawfish mascot would rule the mascot world... Taking down it's opponents with it's MASSIVE claws... Come on... Ragin Cajuns/Crawfish!..... send this Idea to the
    In the past, when a crawfish was considered, one point that was made was... a crawfish swims backwards. When someone tells you that you're running away from a fight... they say "you're crawfishing". That isn't exactly how I think we need to represent our athletics.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    Ok, How bout this but in red? And of course smaller

  3. Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?


  4. #16

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Would this crawfish be red? Like a DEAD/boiled/ready-to-eat crawfish? Or would it be an ugly brown color like a live crawfish?


    Bring back the bulldog! Tradition!

  5. #17

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    No crawfish as mascots. Man they are prey, any number of a thousand ways to denegrate that animal, it is for eating not fighting.

    The appropriate mascot for a school named UL would be one of three things.

    state bird: pelican. Now that we have a marine unit delivering bombs to the enemy with a unit called ragin cajun it has become my personal choice.

    state dog: catahoula hound. Love a pair called Ragin and Cajun

    state reptile: gator, too much like the Florida guys. I mean they stole the swamp name no use us looking like we are copying them in mascot, and to the general public football field name.
    Tulane already has the Pelican as its mascot.
    The CatahoULa state dog would be good.
    The Gator/Bullgator would be good due to OUR swamp and gators on campus. It doesn't matter what Florida has done. We have our own traditions and this fits it. With so many bulldogs and tigers out there, the University of Louisiana would be in pretty good company with the University of Florida as the only schools with that mascot. And, one of the posters here has a red gator mascot as an avatar that is almost perfect as a costumed mascot. Would be neat when the stadium is upgraded to build a small enclosed swamp area with a couple of gators in it next to the stadium. We could have 2 gators in it, a male and female, and name they Louie and Anna, fitting names to better capture our LOUISIANA name. Could do the same with costumed characters.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Catahoula hounds would be great

  7. #19

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    Troy Landry would be a good mascot......

  8. #20

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    You joke, but Troy Landry in overalls with a shotgun that he shoots from the porch of a shack (with his catahoula hounds) up on the hill when we score a touchdown would be pretty decent if we got away from turning inanimate objects into mascots.

  9. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    Troy Landry would be a good mascot......
    Yeah. Especially if he wears his Lsu hat

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    You joke, but Troy Landry in overalls with a shotgun that he shoots from the porch of a shack (with his catahoula hounds) up on the hill when we score a touchdown would be pretty decent if we got away from turning inanimate objects into mascots.

  11. Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    I guess I like these additions so I guess I am the only on to count the Os--the 3 long rows are the same with the one with the N being shorter and one without as many --the shorter rows have the same # of Os!!!!! Actually I am kidding but how many are there????

  12. #24

    Default Re: Crawfish Mascot?

    I like a live mascot. Either a Catahoula Hound that is trained to get the tee after a kick off. Also and inclosed area outside the stadium with two bull gator like it was said in another post. Also a trailer pulled by a tractor that has bars and and one big bull gator that can come unto the field before, during halftime and after the game....All of this would rais eyebrows in Louisiana and much of the US.....

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