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Thread: Errol Rogers

  1. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Rogers Resigns At UL

    Quote Originally Posted by GetTheFacts1st View Post
    Why sleep with Carr again? Brodhead would be a perfect fit. Save the consulting money and give it to the coach, duhhhhh.
    Have to agree..........cannot argue with saving money, or the coach.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Rogers Resigns At UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Carencro Cajun View Post
    Have to agree..........cannot argue with saving money, or the coach.

    Broadhead fits in the "Robe" / "Lotief" mold for sports that are not men's football & basketball.

  3. #51

    Default Re: Rogers Resigns At UL

    Quote Originally Posted by GetTheFacts1st View Post
    Why sleep with Carr again? Brodhead would be a perfect fit. Save the consulting money and give it to the coach, duhhhhh.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Change begins today, March 7, 2012.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunHerd34 View Post
    Some of you wish to have the McNeese associate head coach or the Central Arkansas coach. I'm putting in my vote for Roxanne White, assistant head coach at Marshall University and Louisiana native (that is if she's even interested).
    What connections does she have with the areas and Texas high school caoches, thats the key to recruiting womes basketball here

  5. #53

    Default Re: Rogers Resigns At UL

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    Broadhead fits in the "Robe" / "Lotief" mold for sports that are not men's football & basketball.
    great point,

  6. #54

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    just win

  7. #55

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    Isn't Brodhead related to you? Lol Just saying.

    Father In Law,

  8. #56

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    To each his own, didn't say he wasn't qualified. But there are others that are more qualified that might be available.
    how much qualifications are we looking for, its womens basketball, its a simple formula... Did you not read the Lotief, Robe comparison quote above, its the best option

  9. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by BBOYD3 View Post
    how much qualifications are we looking for, its womens basketball, its a simple formula... Did you not read the Lotief, Robe comparison quote above, its the best option
    Robe was a very successful head coach. No comparison at all.

    Lotief was an all american whose father helped from time to time, her husband a reognized amature coach in his own right, and clearly they were the best option for a cash strapped program. Who knew they would or could be so good. A lot of that has success also has to do with being handed a flourishing program by Yevette. Not that I approve of her choice to attempt to steal as many supporter as possible, low class.

    Neither of these things apply to Broadhead and this situation. I have no idea if he is or will ever be a good college head coach.
    In the end I think he will be passed over, and irony my have him becoming a great collegiate coach somewhere else, but not likely because he is a little long in the tooth.

  10. #58

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Robe was a very successful head coach. No comparison at all.

    Lotief was an all american whose father helped from time to time, her husband a reognized amature coach in his own right, and clearly they were the best option for a cash strapped program. Who knew they would or could be so good. A lot of that has success also has to do with being handed a flourishing program by Yevette. Not that I approve of her choice to attempt to steal as many supporter as possible, low class.

    Neither of these things apply to Broadhead and this situation. I have no idea if he is or will ever be a good college head coach.
    In the end I think he will be passed over, and irony my have him becoming a great collegiate coach somewhere else, but not likely because he is a little long in the tooth.
    YOu must not know much then

  11. #59

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by BBOYD3 View Post
    how much qualifications are we looking for, its womens basketball, its a simple formula... Did you not read the Lotief, Robe comparison quote above, its the best option
    Brad, you are in a difficult position. I'm not arguing against Broadhead's credentials as a coach. I'm simply saying I want the process to run it's course and if he is the guy at the end, then I'm on board. There is no comparision to Robichaux as Cajun Express stated, he was an established divison I baseball head coach.

    Let me remind a few people that are pumping the local guys once again. I remember a certain number of people on this board pumping a former Ragin' Cajun football player for the head coaching position here because he was a local guy. But I didn't hear those same people complaining at the New Orleans Bowl in December. Is there any question the Mark Hudpseth wasn't the right hire over the local guy? Let the Carr Firm do their job, their record with Hudpseth and Marlin is certainly better then some of the suggestions that were made on this board during both searches.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Errol Rogers

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Brad, you are in a difficult position. I'm not arguing against Broadhead's credentials as a coach. I'm simply saying I want the process to run it's course and if he is the guy at the end, then I'm on board. There is no comparision to Robichaux as Cajun Express stated, he was an established divison I baseball head coach.

    Let me remind a few people that are pumping the local guys once again. I remember a certain number of people on this board pumping a former Ragin' Cajun football player for the head coaching position here because he was a local guy. But I didn't hear those same people complaining at the New Orleans Bowl in December. Is there any question the Mark Hudpseth wasn't the right hire over the local guy? Let the Carr Firm do their job, their record with Hudpseth and Marlin is certainly better then some of the suggestions that were made on this board during both searches.
    Its not the same for womens basketball... I understand your point. The comaprison is that they ROBE, LOTIEF and BRODHEAD or all very well liked local people, with small budgets for their respected sports, you need the local guys or gal at this spot because they will recieve way more help from local backers then some outsider... Also womens basketball, you have to know the local coaches in Acadiana and in Texas, Houston and Dallas areas. Brodhead has that covered... I will be fine with whoever they hire, but when they hire some one else and its GAY NIX or ERROL ROGERS again, gonna look pretty stupid... Brodhead is the best fit for the job, better than Kelly Hall, and he wont run off for greener pastures after a couple successfull season, he will be hear a long time...

    Just hire some one that will get it done... whoeve it is

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