Has it crossed anyone's mind that the NFL could use as a defense that these players just didn't start playing in the NFL. While concussions in the NFL get the spotlight, the NFL could say that the scope is too narrow and problems could have started way before playing in the NFL. Why isn't the NCAA, , their college, their high school board, high school, elementary school, etc, not named? Heck, why not sue the companies that make these cheap kid football uniforms with the cheap plasic helmets that just about all of us have had as a youngster and played in the front yard when we had dreams of playing football as an adult? Concussions are a problem and I feel for the players. I think that alot will depend when the NFL knew of these possible problems and if they squelched it or it's something that is just getting looked into and they are now just realizing the effects. It will be interesting how this plays out.