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Thread: The Steve Gleason Story

  1. UL Football Former New Orleans Saints player, ALS patient Steve Gleason undergoes successful tracheotomy

    Former Saints standout in recovery after surgical procedure

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Former NFL Player Steve Gleason Who Starred In The Surface Pro Commercial Joins Microsoft Hacka

    Microsoft’s last year Super bowl commercial celebrated what technology can do, as told by Steve Gleason, a former pro football player who is living with ALS. He uses a Surface Pro running Tobii’s eye gazer technology to speak, and do many other kind of activities. He is visiting Microsoft’s campus this week for attending the hackathon. A team is working on a solution that would allow people like Gleason to turn their Surface On/Off using the eye gaze. As powerful as the Surface Pro 3 is, Gleason knows it can be even more accessible. Since the Super Bowl, he has sent Microsoft a list of proposed improvements, including better predictive typing software and larger fonts. His ideas reflect the spirit of this week’s company-wide hackathon, when our employees team up to challenge, adapt and improve our products and services with more than 2,000 suggested hacks. Microsoft listened and invited Gleason to the hackathon to explore his ideas in work hosted by the Microsoft Ability Community. Gleason will work with a...

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

  3. Default Saints QBs strip down for Gleason, ALS research

    Yeah, it's the "ice bucket challenge," with throwing and running and hard nipples.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  4. Default Microsoft Will Run One 60-Second Ad During Super Bowl XLIX Next Month

    Last year, Microsoft aired the Surface Pro 3 commercial featuring former NFL player Steve Gleason, battling Lou Gehrig’s disease during Super Bowl event. It was a tear-jerker. AdAge today confirmed that Microsoft will be returning to Super Bowl this year with another ad. Microsoft is yet to release any details about this upcoming ad. But [...]

    The rest of the story...
    Microsoft News

  5. UL Football Watch: Steve Gleason's Super Bowl Sunday feature on NBC

    NBC profiled Steve Gleason on their pregame show Sunday

    Homes SO Clean

  6. UL Football Steve Gleason hospitalized but 'doing better,' set to return home

    Former Saints standout expected to be released on Monday night

    Homes SO Clean

  7. #79

    Default We got a new fan

    @TeamGleason: So all u Rajin Cajuns know, Rivers just sat down in front of the TV and said, "Go, Rajin Cajuns." Next pitch. Yard.

    Dude's typing with his eyes, so I think we can excuse the misspelling.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by AirBill View Post

    Dude's typing with his eyes, so I think we can excuse the misspelling.
    ...and just to clarify, the "yard" that Rivers called was *our* home run that tied the game at 3. (Not the walk-off 10 minutes later)

    Shake it off boys!

  9. #81

    Default Re: We got a new fan

    Yup. 😀

  10. #82

    Default Re: We got a new fan

    Gleason's next tweet:

    @TeamGleason: I am not creative enough to make this up. Rivers fell asleep for that LSU homerun.

  11. #83
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: We got a new fan

    Quote Originally Posted by AirBill View Post
    Gleason's next tweet:
    That is awesome!!!

  12. #84

    Default Re: We got a new fan

    Just as with OT, sad to see guys like that struck down in the prime of life.

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