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Thread: Unsigned Lineman on Campus

  1. #1

    UL Football Unsigned Lineman on Campus

    Word is there was a nice looking big lineman yesterday at the complex. No names were available, but as I understand he is to commit and enroll at UL this for this Summer. He was going to Orgeon(Ducks??) but has decided on Louisiana!!!!!!!!!


    ps Crossing fingers!

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    If I remember right Bustle had 1 extra scholarship to give out after signing day. He may be using it on this kid.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    I talked to a big man, can't remember his name Dwayne Paul not sure I couldn't remember then. He comes from Kennedy in New Orleans, he didn't say he was signing.

  4. Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron
    I talked to a big man, can't remember his name Dwayne Paul not sure I couldn't remember then. He comes from Kennedy in New Orleans, he didn't say he was signing.
    We need to get Duane Mitchell to talk to him about being a former Cougar and now at UL !!!!!

  5. UL Football question

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Word is there was a nice looking big lineman yesterday at the complex. No names were available, but as I understand he is to commit and enroll at UL this for this Summer.
    Is he a freshman? Why enroll so soon?

  6. Default Re: question

    Quote Originally Posted by Bert
    Is he a freshman? Why enroll so soon?
    JC transfer is the word--He was to sign with org. or OS and he did not have the scores to be accepted!!! However I think that he did graduate!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron
    I talked to a big man, can't remember his name Dwayne Paul not sure I couldn't remember then. He comes from Kennedy in New Orleans, he didn't say he was signing.

    Was it Gerard Lee from Carver and Scottsdale JC?

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun1300
    Was it Gerard Lee from Carver and Scottsdale JC?
    You know I wasn't taking notes but I am fairly sure he said his name was Dwayne and his friends call him Paul I didn't get that part. I am certain he said Kennedy HS

  9. #9

    Default Re: New Lineman to Sign...........?

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron
    You know I wasn't taking notes but I am fairly sure he said his name was Dwayne and his friends call him Paul I didn't get that part. I am certain he said Kennedy HS

    Would he be Dion Gales perhaps?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Unsigned Lineman on Campus

    According to Rivals.
    Gales was a 3 star recruit that signed with Ole Miss in 2004. Saben stated Gales might be the best DL in the state in '04. He was rated the 24th best strongside DE. In 2004 he was listed at 6-5 255 lbs.

    I checked Ole Miss current roster and he was not on their roster. Maybe he never signed with them or is a transfer.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Unsigned Lineman on Campus

  12. #12

    Default Re: Unsigned Lineman on Campus

    Quote Originally Posted by SwampHound
    Yeah, maybe not. Would be REAL nice if it were so though!

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