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Thread: 10th anniversary, 4th annual RP Fund Raiser

  1. Support 10th anniversary, 4th annual RP Fund Raiser



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    Over the past ten years we have tried to keep free and as the Ragin Pagin community has grown and is growing this had been tougher to accomplish, until your generous donations began three years ago. Every day, more & more people from all over the world drop by to look for news on the University of Louisiana, the Ragin' Cajuns and the untold history of UL, and we are glad to be a part of the effort and solution.

    As most of you know the site is in no way connected to, or endorsed by any school in the UL System, we receive no subsidy. So for the fourth time ever we are holding a donation type fund raiser.

    We will continue striving to make a hub connecting to everything Ragin' Cajuns on the web. We hope to continue doing research so we can be a good source for all info related to UL past present and future. Thanks for your support, we know money is tight and don't want you to feel pressured or obligated. Just if you can, Thanks

    There is a donation button on the front page or you can send donations to: c/o JJRMC inc.
    POB 722
    Maurice, LA

    Geaux Cajuns

  2. Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Direct Server costs went down from $3600 to $2800 as we started doing our own weekly back up. If it gets to be overwhelming we may have to return to a paid back up method.

    During the past year RP has spent $449 on software upgrades (not all of which were implemented)

  3. #3

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary a member of the CajunNation AND the RaginPaginNation, I want to thank you for all you do to make our efforts to follow and support this great University so much more fun and exciting than it would be otherwise. I am constantly amazed over the time and effort that you put in each year to not only keep this sight up and running, but to manage it...improve it...and keep us all in line (somewhat).

    I will be making my donation in a couple of minutes...and I must say that those bucks plus what I spend on CajunRedZone are some of the best dollars I spend all year. THANKS!!


  4. #4

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Donation = DONE!! And I just reminded my wife to make sure to make her contribution later today.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    my check should be paid to : JJRMC inc ?

  6. #6

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    my check should be paid to : JJRMC inc ?
    Just make it out to "CajunRed"...and I'll make sure Turbine gets it. :-)

  7. #7

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    How long will the fundraiser be going on?

    What is our goal?

    If you really want to make money.. charge a nickel to anyone that fusses about black not being a school color or that pesky other L in our name.

  8. Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    Donation = DONE!! And I just reminded my wife to make sure to make her contribution later today.
    Thank you very much.

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    my check should be paid to : JJRMC inc ?
    That would be perfect. No explaining at the teller window.

    Quote Originally Posted by anhil8tor View Post
    How long will the fundraiser be going on?
    28 days, the month of February minus the 1st, I didn't want to compete with National Signing Day.

    Thanks everyone.

    Geaux Cajuns

  9. #9

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary Snote's age, he may forget to actually send in the check once he writes it out. Let me know if you haven't received it within a week.

  10. #10

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post Snote's age, he may forget to actually send in the check once he writes it out. Let me know if you haven't received it within a week.
    ps..yea you right. tho, go figure, I got to hug the "big fan" tonite @ the Cajun win..How blessed am I, I amazed everyday.. Was great to see you web-boss

    Pss. I'll be back, (in my best Arnold voice..)
    Got to start a thread.. Scott maybe you would like something to do that I guessing "no one will disagree with.".

    Psss. I do it all in the February for Jon or what is it now? Mmmmrrrchhg, Inc.. (hee hee)

    Pssss. I counting on your help that you have most graciously offered sir Cajun/red.. I thank you

    Psssss. Whoaa.. Just noticing, probably no longer "a new time" (good night giggles)

    Pssssss. Fundraiser less than 24 hours old.. Please everyone "play" again this year.. Thanks

  11. #11

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Turb; Will you be doing the Bricks deal this year.. I thought that was a neat Idea last year.. good promoting tool. jmo..

  12. #12

    Default Re: 4th Annual RP Fund Raiser on our 10th Anniversary

    Quote Originally Posted by snote View Post
    ps..yea you right. tho, go figure, I got to hug the "big fan" tonite @ the Cajun win..How blessed am I, I amazed everyday.. Was great to see you web-boss

    Pss. I'll be back, (in my best Arnold voice..)
    Got to start a thread.. Scott maybe you would like something to do that I guessing "no one will disagree with.".

    Psss. I do it all in the February for Jon or what is it now? Mmmmrrrchhg, Inc.. (hee hee)

    Pssss. I counting on your help that you have most graciously offered sir Cajun/red.. I thank you

    Psssss. Whoaa.. Just noticing, probably no longer "a new time" (good night giggles)

    Pssssss. Fundraiser less than 24 hours old.. Please everyone "play" again this year.. Thanks
    ** smiling **

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