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Thread: Danny Cottonham

  1. #25

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    How did UL become the best university in the state If Dr A almost killed it? It did not just happen.

  2. #26
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by alum81 View Post
    How did UL become the best university in the state If Dr A almost killed it? It did not just happen.
    You mean the same Authement that just recently told folks that he wasn't happy about UL football winning and going to a bowl game because you will now have a hard time keeping the boosters under control?? That Authement? The Fossil? Really? The same guy that was soooo freakin charismatic that most of our bigtime money folks now donate gobs of cash to LSU? That guy? Oh yeah, he was __________ great!


  3. #27

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by alum81 View Post
    How did UL become the best university in the state If Dr A almost killed it? It did not just happen.
    Really? Then how come we are still not Tier 1 after 30 years of his "great" leadership? Why are we making such great strides in academics and campus improvements now that he is gone? I'm starting to think that the strides UL made during those 30 years were accomplished in spite of Doc A.

    Talk to some faculty members and department heads and you'll hear stories of how much of a paranoid control freak he was. As Z alluded to, I had a conversation recently with a department head who relayed a recent conversation he had with Doc A. I asked if Doc, after seeing the success and excitement the season and Bowl win brought to the university caused him to rethink the lack of support he gave athletics and his refusal to allow an organization like RCAF. His response was that Doc is even more convinced that he was right and that all that the current admin is doing with athletics is the wrong way to go. He believes it will take away from academics, will allow boosters to run wild and basically will be the downfall of UL. Thank God he is finally gone. It should have happened 20 years earlier.

  4. Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    I would really like to know the inside scoop to this story---first question is whom did DC work for within the university-----Was it through only the athletic department or was it with Guidance and Counseling---or was it a combination structured between the two areas???? I guess that the "NEWS" will eventually come forth!!!

  5. #29

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Well RaginCajunPie since I know who you are -and the job you did- your thoughts carry a lot of weight with me.

    Thanks for the kind words, Turbine, but I wouldn't have been able to do half of the things I did at UL without the mentorship and guidance form Mr. C. He taught me all I know, and I'm heartbroken over this!

  6. #30

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    From what I heard he was offered another position but turned it down. I am not sure what the position was or for what department. Also again from what I heard on the accreditation side they needed someone in that position with a PHD. I think sometimes we put too much emphasis on letters after peoples name. What we need every now and then is someone with some good old common sense.
    I can tell you that I took a class with him in the spring of 83 and he was an excellent teacher that made you think outside the box. He will be missed.
    He was offered a position as an academic counselor for the general studies department, basically a demotion since he has been head of his own department for years and years. As Turbine aluded to, I did work for UL previously, and I have been at 3 other universities since then as Assistant Athletic Directors over Compliance and Academics. And the even sadder part to this story s that UL is going backwards here. I have gone to conventions and met with others in my field, and everyone from Harvard to MIT is going back to the way Danny Cottonham ran his department -- hiring good people who care about the students and don't mind taking personal interests and working long hours. Other schools have tried technology and PhDs and everything under the moon and found that they don't work. Apparently UL is 10-15 years behind the times and is about to give up the exact models that other Division I schools are fighting hard to return to. It makes no sense. If anyone in the administration would take 2 seconds to actually research the move they are making, they would see that. Unfortunately, it will be too late and the best asset UL has will be gone by then.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    so who replaced him? or did the 3 million in budget cuts have something to do with it? what about all the other faculty that was let go because of budget cuts? why isnt anyone crucifying the administration for those people? maybe we dont know the whole story? maybe some of you are biased because you like the man? Sounds like they tried to keep the man out of respect for what he has done and his pride did not allow him to accept that position.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Crazycajun, it is not just about liking Mr. C it is about his proven commitment & success working with student-athletes. You obviously do not know him. If you were a student-athlete or co-worker of Mr. C then you would understand everyone's concern & sadness for his departure. There is no justification for this decision. And it was not out of respect that he was offered another position. I think the administration just doesn't want to appear heartless. By the way the latest info I received is that he hasn't decided yet whether he will take the position or retire.

  9. #33

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Then why doesn't someone explained what happened? Did the administration pull his name out of a fishbowl? My point was there might be a reason. Not many people go around firing people because they thinks it's funny. If this man is as great as everyone says, I doubt the admin. Let him go for no reason at all. The fact that they offered the man another position tells me they were trying to keep him. If you know different, speak up

  10. #34

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    I dont know any details but I can promise you, Mr. C is a class Act, I was Manager for the Mens basketball team and he didnt treat me any different than the players, He along with ms kristy and mr lane looked out for me whether it was personal situations or academics , I credit Mr.C and his Staff for keeping me focused until I got my degree, I was really sad when I heard the news, So were former athletes I spoke with, I hope the university knows what they are doing!

  11. #35

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by APragincajun View Post
    I dont kno any details but i could promise u, Mr. C is a class Act, I was Manager for the Mens basketball team and he didnt treat me any diffrent then the players, He along with ms kristy and mr lane looked out for me wether it was personal situations or academics , i credit Mr.C and his Staff for keeping me Focused Until i got my degree, I was Really Sad when i heard the news, So were former athletes i spoke with, i hope the university knows what they are doing!
    Don't know why, but is this a position that now requires a PhD? Did Danny have a Masters or PhD? Good or bad, maybe its a credentials thing??

  12. #36

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    No Director position requires a PhD. The director of the academic success center doesnn't have a PhD. Keep in mind that that a doctorate degree does not automatically qualify you for a job. To work with student athletes you have to have compassion, common sense, patience, & respect. Why is it that athletic coaches don't have to have PhD's?!? These young people respond better to people who care and understand their journey. Those of you who judge Mr. C have never had him by your side when there was noone else. I seriously doubt that the administration would have stuck by my side & gotten me thru some very trying times. They were just out to use me for my talent!

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