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Thread: Danny Cottonham

  1. Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    It was I---Actually we had a program that was set up based upon the U of Colorado---had 3 test phases for the incoming Freshmen and even structured courses where we team taught a curriculum that was taken by a projected number based upon ACT/HS GPA------Very closely monitored effort with the coaches and myself on class attendance, study hall, and tutoring help-----Compliance I think was much more complicated in that there were different standards required by the NCAA, GSC, State Board, NCAA championship, and Junior college transfer certification----I talked to Danny many times through the years and although I didn't know what the new rules were etc---I know that he loves this university dearly and surely worked his ___ off in trying to reach its athletic goals!!!!

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    It was I---Actually we had a program that was set up based upon the U of Colorado---!
    Busted!----I was set up

  3. #15

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Let me just say this, for those of you who have not been involved in the inner-workings of the department throughout the years. Danny Cottonham was the best thing that happened to most of our athletes. He is a true mentor and the closest thing that some of those kids ever had to a father. The athletes come to him with academic problems, home life problems, girlfriend problems, everything. He is the type of man who will stay at work until 10 p.m. if a kid needs him. He always, ALWAYS did the right thing for the kids, never gave into pressure from administration, stood up to many coaches when they were mistreating their athletes, and basically is the best person I know. He has had a direct impact on everyone from Hollis Conway to Jake Delhomme to Peanut Tillman to Ike Taylor to Tyren Johnston.

    Here's the sad part...this is not his choice. His boss came into his office two weeks ago and told him that his services were no longer needed and he needed to start packing up. He was given no prior warning, nor told what he has done wrong to bring this about. Apparently the department is "restructuring" and Mr. C is not part of that picture. It is a disgrace the way they are treating somone who has been a father figure to so many throughout the years. I wish that some of his former athletes knew more about what was going on, because they wouldn't stand for it. You shouldn't treat anyobody that way, but especially not Mr. C. The irony is... Mr. C is such a good job, he will leave without causing a fuss in order to protect the current students from knowing how this is all going down.

    He's a class act, and should be given much more respect than the current administration is giving him!!!

  4. Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Well RaginCajunPie since I know who you are -and the job you did- your thoughts carry a lot of weight with me.


    Geaux Cajuns

  5. #17

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    + 1

  6. #18

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajunPie View Post
    Let me just say this, for those of you who have not been involved in the inner-workings of the department throughout the years. Danny Cottonham was the best thing that happened to most of our athletes. He is a true mentor and the closest thing that some of those kids ever had to a father. The athletes come to him with academic problems, home life problems, girlfriend problems, everything. He is the type of man who will stay at work until 10 p.m. if a kid needs him. He always, ALWAYS did the right thing for the kids, never gave into pressure from administration, stood up to many coaches when they were mistreating their athletes, and basically is the best person I know. He has had a direct impact on everyone from Hollis Conway to Jake Delhomme to Peanut Tillman to Ike Taylor to Tyren Johnston.

    Here's the sad part...this is not his choice. His boss came into his office two weeks ago and told him that his services were no longer needed and he needed to start packing up. He was given no prior warning, nor told what he has done wrong to bring this about. Apparently the department is "restructuring" and Mr. C is not part of that picture. It is a disgrace the way they are treating somone who has been a father figure to so many throughout the years. I wish that some of his former athletes knew more about what was going on, because they wouldn't stand for it. You shouldn't treat anyobody that way, but especially not Mr. C. The irony is... Mr. C is such a good job, he will leave without causing a fuss in order to protect the current students from knowing how this is all going down.

    He's a class act, and should be given much more respect than the current administration is giving him!!!

    I will second all you've said. Danny was there when I was there and he was totally a class act. And he did stand up to many coaches and to student athletes alike. He did more for keeping athletes eligible over the years and saw to it that many graduated who would have never done so on their own. The university is losing a great person.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Not that Mr. C could ever be replaced, but I wonder what "different direction" the school is going in. It is hard to imagine a better situation than the one we had with Mr. C. I can personally attest to his ability to tame some pretty wild student athletes (names withheld out of discretion). I'll also echo BamaCajun's remarks - there are a ton of Cajuns walking around with degrees that could not have graduated without Mr. C.

    Between Mr. C on campus and BJ at the complex, we had it all covered. Y'hear?

  8. Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Well his wife is the Dean of Students, she took over for Pratt after he 'retired'. So if he really wanted to raise a stink, he is not completely powerless here. I just hope that it did not go down as described here. He is a classy guy that did a lot for the university and its student athletes. I have to admit, when someone described how he 'stood up' to coaches I did smile a bit. UL needs people like Danny.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    From what I heard he was offered another position but turned it down. I am not sure what the position was or for what department. Also again from what I heard on the accreditation side they needed someone in that position with a PHD. I think sometimes we put too much emphasis on letters after peoples name. What we need every now and then is someone with some good old common sense.
    I can tell you that I took a class with him in the spring of 83 and he was an excellent teacher that made you think outside the box. He will be missed.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    From what I heard he was offered another position but turned it down. I am not sure what the position was or for what department. Also again from what I heard on the accreditation side they needed someone in that position with a PHD. I think sometimes we put too much emphasis on letters after peoples name. What we need every now and then is someone with some good old common sense.
    I can tell you that I took a class with him in the spring of 83 and he was an excellent teacher that made you think outside the box. He will be missed.
    Now this would be a most tragic excuse for replacing someone. Is this there something to this?

  11. #23

    Default Re: Danny Cottonham

    RaginCajunPie you are so right! It is a disgrace what this administration has done to Mr. C - someone who has done more for the university & particularly for student-athletes than any of those who were behind this decision! His "replacement" will never be able to live up to the passion & dedication this man has had for the personal, academic, & professional success of student-athletes! Offering him another position when his career has been working with student-athletes for 30 years is an insult!! He deserves better.

  12. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    Authement almost killed this university. Sad situation but Dr Savoie does not make rash decisions. Best of luck Mr Cottingham.


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