Originally Posted by geo_cajun
Originally Posted by geo_cajun
A) I back the Cajuns win or lose.
B) I'm fired up when we win and bummed when we lose. See A)
C) I criticize what I don't like. See A)
C1) I haven't given up on Coach Lee. See A)
C2) I didn't like the Evans program. See A)
C3) I don't like 1 to 2 year players as a general rule. See A)
C4) I like 4 year players, with some transfers as needed. See A)
D) But, do whatever it takes to win, short of getting us into NCAA trouble.
Good luck to you and the team this year Coach Lee...
Geaux Cajuns!!!
You know i have been reading this site for about 4 years now, and it never fails to amaze me at how ignorant people really are. To all you so called fans out there who think you know everything about basketball, who are better coaches than any college coach, who must know what it takes to win a tourney game (cos yall have done that). To all those people who like to sit in the stands or at home for that matter and know whats really happening behind the scenes in basketball, for those who would never take an inelligible kid on board cos thats just wrong, to those who love to think that they are true fans and say they love the cajuns but never say anything positive. And finally for those people who really believe they know what is the best way to run a NCAA div 1 basketball program..............STOP KIDDING YOURSELF
Most of you have no idea what coach lee and staff's goals are, if you have not ever been directly involved in the program as a coach/player/manager/trainer then you have absolutly no idea on what the focus is, i just get sick of listening to all you naysayers who know everything, i mean seriously are you that nieve that you really believe you know whats best for the program? Look i was involved in the program for 4 years, i know both Evans Cyp and Lee and when i tell you that Lee is the only one out of those 3 with s dream for these kids i mean it. He is the only one who really cares about life after basketball. And he is the only one who cares about winning atall costs while protecting their futures off the court.
How many tourney games have the cajuns ever won?? 2, 3, 4 maybe i dont know but i do know that the last 5 years the program hasve been some of the best ever, and they only succeeded because of 1 person, and I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT! again if you think you know the story think again, all you are doing is fooling yourself all the people who REALLY KNOW what they are talking about will agree with me on this.
Originally Posted by miamicajun32
I guess i shouldve specified when i said Championships...i was referring to National titles.
Let me clear something up here, i am not saying that transfers are bad thing or that bigger schools dont get them, but the majority of the players on these teams came up through the respective systems. If you want the Cajuns to be a perennial mid-major power house, ie Gonzaga, then the steps that the General is doing now is what is necessary. UL wont be advancing to any sweet 16s with Brian Hamilton, Dwayne Mitchell, Oriene Greene, or Tiras Wade type players being brought in to play for 2 years.
AGAIN, and I repeat, I am not knocking on the above named players! But building a team on transfers will only take you so far! I think we have proved this! Now take those 4 guys and put them in the program as freshman and there is a chance that team advances very far.
Originally Posted by miamicajun32
Do you really believe that these kids or this program wont be talented enough to win? I am not saying that a starting 5 of 4 years seniors is an automatic formula for success. But if the kids are the caliber and talent of the Hamiltons, Greenes, etc that were here recently, then those will be some special teams!
Originally Posted by Sonsissymia
Again I didnt mean to insinuate that you cant win with tranfers, just that you cant have a successful program relying and building on transfers! The core of those above named teams I am sure were primarily made up of players that were in the coaches system for 3,4, or 5 years!
Transfers can build winning teams, but that cant build winning programs!
Originally Posted by paulpaul2
Amen my Brother.
How do you know we will only develop into an average team as other guys gain eligiblity? Also, how do you know development well be slow and that we will have 2 to 3 losing seasons. I know you are predicting one this year (I am too). Add that to last year and you get two. Where do you get three from?Originally Posted by miamicajun32
The team we have now will not be the one we have next year. Our freshman will have experience and the guys sitting out are the scorers.Originally Posted by miamicajun32
Sounds like you are someone close to the program. If so, what do you think has to happen for the team to reach it's potential this year.Originally Posted by paulpaul2
Do you think any one of the above mentioned 4 players would have considered Cajuns as high school seniors? Greene was a high school All-American and chose Florida.Originally Posted by lxa656
Speaking of Florida, and other top teams, their best players rarely stay 4 years, although they don't have to deal with transfers because they can get the top talent as Freshmen.
If Cajuns finish with a losing record this year, for the second year in a row, this team has no chance in future of rising even above what they were two years ago, a solid mid major. You are not going to become a Gonzaga by recruiting high school players that the major programs are not interested in.
And if Lee has always been so focused with bringing in 4 year players, why did he go after all the transfers last year and then declare the team to be sweet sixteen worthy. Was he just joking around when he gave those players scholarships, knowing that he was not going to honor those scholarships the following year?
I am tired of hearing all the excuses. Less wins, less fans at games. Worse team in over 20 years. If that is what is needed in your opinion in order to take this program to the next level, then I hope you are right, but it seems idiotic.
These kids don't have the talent of Hamilton, Greenes, etc., or they would be freshmen at much more major programs. It is always possible that one of the youngsters is a diamond in the rough, but Greene started for the Gators as a freshman and was a high school all american. He also happens to have nba talent. The idea that Cajuns had an option to bring in the Hamiltons and the Greenes as freshmen is just not realistic. They only could have had them as transfers.Originally Posted by lxa656
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