Why do we hate our students!!!
Once again the university is killing its future fan base! Fraternities and sororities have been told they are not allowed to have drinking games at the student tailgate.
They are also not allowed to visit their fraternity/sorority houses on Saturday as well.
I swear we are the worst at getting students involved. FFS can we get a university president who actually wants to grow the student participation and loyalty!!!
Once again the Greeks will be a no show in protest to the university!
We are the very best at creating new fans for LSU!
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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Once again the university is killing its future fan base! Fraternities and sororities have been told they are not allowed to have drinking games at the student tailgate.
They are also not allowed to visit their fraternity/sorority houses on Saturday as well.
I swear we are the worst at getting students involved. FFS can we get a university president who actually wants to grow the student participation and loyalty!!!
Once again the Greeks will be a no show in protest to the university!
We are the very best at creating new fans for LSU!
That’s garbage. Who’s gonna police that? Like, is someone actually going to walk up and say “excuse me, it looks like you are playing a game, please stop. But if you want to keep drinking your beer in a normal fashion, ok.”
Something seems off here.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
1) They can drink but can’t play drinking games so they won’t show up? No offense but that’s a stupid excuse not to show up.
2) Having said that, come up with new games that aren’t as obvious as beer pong. Be creative and show up.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
It’s not just drinking games. They aren’t allowed to go to their own house at all during the day. This is the final straw in a long list of things the university does to screw over greek life. Something’s gotta change. If it’s a boycott then so be it
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
. . . there are already a million reasons why they may not show up, no need to self develop another . . . or 2 . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
So fraternities and sororities can’t go to their own houses on game day?? That’s actually crazy
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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So fraternities and sororities can’t go to their own houses on game day?? That’s actually crazy
can someone explain the reason for this?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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So fraternities and sororities can’t go to their own houses on game day?? That’s actually crazy
That’s what my people in two different organizations are telling me.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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1) They can drink but can’t play drinking games so they won’t show up? No offense but that’s a stupid excuse not to show up.
2) Having said that, come up with new games that aren’t as obvious as beer pong. Be creative and show up.
They can't show up to their Greek houses as well.
This is getting to be ridiculous if true. They are nit picking at this point.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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can someone explain the reason for this?
They are nit picking rules. Any time there is more than 15 people at the house the event should be “registered” which means get cops, a vendor, and food. These are all things they won’t do if they are only gonna be at the house before and after. It has never been a problem. The games end and the guys go to the house before they go out. But now they can’t since it’s not “registered” So there will be deans outside each house stopping you from going into the house you pay to keep the lights on
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
They pay for the ____ing house and they can’t go there
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
. . . does the University really pay people to come up with this silliness and then pay more people to enforce it . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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. . . does the University really pay people to come up with this silliness and then pay more people to enforce it . . .
Yes they do! Destroying the student life and experience.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
This is coming from the Dean of students. Heidie Lindsey, margarita perez and a few more.
It’s absolutely unreal.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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This is coming from the Dean of students. Heidie Lindsey, margarita perez and a few more.
It’s absolutely unreal.
There is something seriously wrong with the Culture of the Administration at this university.
2 questions need to be answered by those people monitoring this thread.
Is this the current practice at other universities?
If not, why are you doing it?
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
I find it comical that the reaction to every decision it "the students won't show up" which goes to my second point. Don't lay out tables for beer pong, be creative and come up with something new.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
The same folks as always defending this university’s nonsense. And yet they claim it’s the negativity from a fan message board driving our people away…lol
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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This is coming from the Dean of students. Heidie Lindsey, margarita perez and a few more.
It’s absolutely unreal.
Those people won't listen to students and they won't listen to fans. Until the money people say something, nothing will change.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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Those people won't listen to students and they won't listen to fans. Until the money people say something, nothing will change.
. . . there is the other problem, they have also run off many of the money people so all that is left is their bad discretion . . . further, the last thing that the "money people" are interested in is to have to bother themselves with things that are probably considered menial to them like this . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
IMO - A strong & supported Greek system leads to full student sections (at all UL sporting events)...which leads to an involved alumni base.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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Those people won't listen to students and they won't listen to fans. Until the money people say something, nothing will change.
The future big money people are the damn students. It’s why we are in the situation we are in! Older dying fan base.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
This is so absurd that it has to be wrong, or a decision based on legal advice. As for legal advice you’re damed if you get it and ignore it, and damned if you choose not to get it.
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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This is so absurd that it has to be wrong, or a decision based on legal advice. As for legal advice you’re damed if you get it and ignore it, and damned if you choose not to get it.
. . . when legal advice fails to consider practicality, it is practically worthless . . .
Re: Why do we hate our students!!!
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They are also not allowed to visit their fraternity/sorority houses on Saturday as well.
This right here has to be the dumbest decision made out of Martin Hall in a long time?
Are they going to ____ away money (people’s tax dollars) paying for surveillance equipment and/or personnel to monitor this?