What project would you like to see done next?
Just to make it interesting you may only pick one, but post what your top 5 in order!
I will post mine after I make the poll.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
- Pressure washing and sealing Cajun Field.
- Put the "C" back in Cajun Field.
- Improvements to Tigue Moore Field
- Improvements to the Softball Complex.
- Build a covering of some sort for the student side of Cajun Field.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
1) Finish makeover of football field (wash, paint, etc.)
2) New Baseball Facility
3) New Softball Facility
4) Bulldoze Blackham and build a new basketball arena
5) Tell he Cajundome to f&^$ off.
I really didn't have a 5th one, but I guess it fits. Maybe Michael can donate a university golf course when he makes it to Tiger status!!
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
1) Finish makeover of football field (wash, paint, etc.)
2) New Baseball Facility
3) New Softball Facility
4) Bulldoze Blackham and build a new basketball arena
5) Tell he Cajundome to f&^$ off.
I really didn't have a 5th one, but I guess it fits. Maybe Michael can donate a university golf course when he makes it to Tiger status!!
LMAO thanks man i needed that
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
LMAO thanks man i needed that
If I'm gonna dream. I'm gonna dream big!
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ If I'm gonna dream. I'm gonna dream big! _
Mega Ditto!:D I really like your style!!! Lets get this Giant going, give what you can give!:h:
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
It's hard to say cause I would like all of these, however, moving the baseball stadium and using the old one for softball would cancel out a few of the needed softball improvements. Kinda kill two birds with one stone...
1. Finish stadium improvements, field, washing/cleaning
2. Baseball/Softball improvements (whatever is decided)
3. RCAF (so we can raise money for future improvements like....)
4. Parking garage on student side of football stadium
5. Sky boxes on student side of football stadium
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
Mega Ditto!
Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ 1) Finish makeover of football field (wash, paint, etc.)
2) New Baseball Facility
3) New Softball Facility
4) Bulldoze Blackham and build a new basketball arena
5) Tell he Cajundome to f&^$ off.
I really didn't have a 5th one, but I guess it fits. Maybe Michael can donate a university golf course when he makes it to Tiger status!! _
John Montesanto(spelling) once said he would like his new 18 Million Dollar Golf course to be the Home of Ragin Cajun Golf right infront of the Mall of Acadiana!
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
My top five are:
1) The Skyboxes on the student side(this will cause the next two to happen by default
2) Finish the grassy area of the bowl of the stadium making it the final destination of the Red Zone
3) Pressure wash the stadium as it would really look bad if it had not been done yet
4) Remodel Baseball and Softball I really love both complexes or build new baseball and remodel baseball for soft ball whatever is best for our TWO best programs
5) Start the Cajun Athletic Foundation without increased revenues and organized fund raising we wont get where we need to get fast enough
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
1. Athletic Foundation - money is needed to make any of the other items a reality.
2. Renovate athletic dorms - recruits want to see that they ar egoing to have good accomadations.
3. Improved training table - recruits want to see that they are gong to be fed well and it also insures that they have the extra nutrition they need to perform.
4. Academic Center - resources to help student athletes gain and maintain eligibility.
5. Athletic Center with lounge / recreation facilites for athletes - recruits are swayed by these amenitites.
All of the above will help in the recruiting wars. Winning the recruiting wars helps you win on the field. After that we can worry about improving stadiums for the fans' comfort.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ My top five are:
1) The Skyboxes on the student side(this will cause the next two to happen by default
2) Finish the grassy area of the bowl of the stadium making it the final destination of the Red Zone
3) Pressure wash the stadium as it would really look bad if it had not been done yet
4) Remodel Baseball and Softball I really love both complexes or build new baseball and remodel baseball for soft ball whatever is best for our TWO best programs
5) Start the Cajun Athletic Foundation without increased revenues and organized fund raising we wont get where we need to get fast enough _
The thing that will have the most impact is not on your list. That thing is to improve the living quarter conditions for our athletes. That may mean a new building with an athletic academic center tied in or increased apartment funding. Note, you cannot have a dorm strictly for athletes any more. That situation is one advantage ULM has over us as some of their commitments have commented positively on that situation. Improving day to day living conditions for athletes will do more to improve recruiting than anything else.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
1. Pressure wash & seal stadium (and replace "C")
2. Cajun Athletic Foundation(CAF)
3. Build New baseball and remodel baseball for softball
4. South endzone multi story building
5. Finish off grassy area of stadium seating
6. Sky boxes on the student side
I am going to go ahead and list six but to be honest the last two or three aren't of great importance. If we pressure wash that stadium it will look like new and would be a pretty attractive arena. Needless to say I am highly in favor of making the Swamp into a horseshoe and adding Sky boxes to the student side. This would help generate more money for the program.
Is it just me or should the "C" have been replaced a long time ago?
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ The thing that will have the most impact is not on your list. That thing is to improve the living quarter conditions for our athletes. That may mean a new building with an athletic academic center tied in or increased apartment funding. Note, you cannot have a dorm strictly for athletes any more. That situation is one advantage ULM has over us as some of their commitments have commented positively on that situation. Improving day to day living conditions for athletes will do more to improve recruiting than anything else. _
In addition to my previous post.....you are totally right when it comes to the quality of our dorm rooms. They are disgusting!
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
can they sell beer if they move the baseball stadium :hot::hot:
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
1. Athletic Foundation - money is needed to make any of the other items a reality.
2. Renovate athletic dorms - recruits want to see that they ar egoing to have good accomadations.
3. Improved training table - recruits want to see that they are gong to be fed well and it also insures that they have the extra nutrition they need to perform.
4. Academic Center - resources to help student athletes gain and maintain eligibility.
5. Athletic Center with lounge / recreation facilites for athletes - recruits are swayed by these amenitites.
All of the above will help in the recruiting wars. Winning the recruiting wars helps you win on the field. After that we can worry about improving stadiums for the fans' comfort.
Lost out on a real good QB last year. Main reason stated was living conditions.
How did we let it get this F# up?
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ Lost out on a real good QB last year. Main reason stated was living conditions.
How did we let it get this F# up?
Z _
That old commercial comes to mind:
"You can call me Ray..."
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Whatever maintenance stuff needs to be done around Cajun Field that have been mentioned earlier (pressure wash, replace the C, upkeep on the grassy hills), but in terms of big athletic projects, I'd like to build new baseball/remodel for softball from what's on the list.
The BIGGEST project we could undertake that would be most beneficial would be a lot of new dorms, and not just for athletics. I mean, build athletic dorms too. If we had nicer dorms we probably could have ended up signing Damaris Johnson and other upper-tier athletes. But the dorms in general on campus are terrible. I stayed in Bancroft for one semester and they condemned it the next semester. We badly need new dorms on campus.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ 1. Athletic Foundation - money is needed to make any of the other items a reality.
2. Renovate athletic dorms - recruits want to see that they ar egoing to have good accomadations.
3. Improved training table - recruits want to see that they are gong to be fed well and it also insures that they have the extra nutrition they need to perform.
4. Academic Center - resources to help student athletes gain and maintain eligibility.
5. Athletic Center with lounge / recreation facilites for athletes - recruits are swayed by these amenitites.
All of the above will help in the recruiting wars. Winning the recruiting wars helps you win on the field. After that we can worry about improving stadiums for the fans' comfort. _
The HAMMER nails it again
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
1. clean the stadium
2. build athletic dorms with an academic center in it.
3. new jumbo video screen and sound like texas a&m's
4. renovate the current sky boxes before even thinking of buiklding new ones
5.renovate the current tigue field
6. and win some damn football games!
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
I am with Hammer.
1. Athletic Foundation - money is needed to make any of the other items a reality.
2. Renovate athletic dorms - recruits want to see that they ar egoing to have good accomadations.
3. Improved training table - recruits want to see that they are gong to be fed well and it also insures that they have the extra nutrition they need to perform.
4. Academic Center - resources to help student athletes gain and maintain eligibility.
5. Athletic Center with lounge / recreation facilites for athletes - recruits are swayed by these amenitites.
All of the above will help in the recruiting wars. Winning the recruiting wars helps you win on the field. After that we can worry about improving stadiums for the fans' comfort.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ I am with Hammer.
1. Athletic Foundation - money is needed to make any of the other items a reality.
2. Renovate athletic dorms - recruits want to see that they ar egoing to have good accomadations.
3. Improved training table - recruits want to see that they are gong to be fed well and it also insures that they have the extra nutrition they need to perform.
4. Academic Center - resources to help student athletes gain and maintain eligibility.
5. Athletic Center with lounge / recreation facilites for athletes - recruits are swayed by these amenitites.
All of the above will help in the recruiting wars. Winning the recruiting wars helps you win on the field. After that we can worry about improving stadiums for the fans' comfort. _
How about starting with a lawn mower and weed eater to keep up the grounds in the stadium and around the athletic complex?
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
Sugar Land Cajun
How about starting with a lawn mower and weed eater to keep up the grounds in the stadium and around the athletic complex?
We've done that numerous times....were you there?
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
Originally Posted by
_ We've done that numerous times....were you there?
Z _
I live in Houston, so no, I wasn't there. Besides, why doesn't UL's maintenance crew keep up the grounds? There is no excuse for not have a clean, neat campus. It is rediculous that we have to volunteer to cut grass and weeds around the stadium. Heck, why doesn't UL work out something with the Agronomy students to do some grounds upkeep? I believe I read a few years ago that that how Mississippi State maintains their facililities. Of course, that was before the mega bucks that the SEC now brings to its member schools.
Re: What project would you like to see done next?
You're right. Volunteers doing the mowing and trimming is ridiculous. Lets have a cake sale so we can pay the freaking coaches.
1. Hire a good coaching staff.
2. Same as # 1
3. Same as 1 & 2
4. Same as 1-3
5. same as 1-4