Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Cajuns listed
The Redskins name pales in comparison when we consider other possibly offensive sports names. As an example, take the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. That name immediately brings to mind a bunch of drunk, Irish Catholics who do nothing but bare-knuckle fight.
Let's not forget the Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana-Lafayette University. While the mascot is a chilli pepper, the term Ragin Cajun makes one think of an enraged Cajun who has a short fuse and flies off the handle at a moment's notice.
If I were Irish-Catholic or Cajun, I'd have a far better case upon which to take offense than Native Americans do towards the term "Redskins". Certainly not all Cajuns fit that mold.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
"Louisiana-Lafayette University"
I didn't click the link because of this
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
I'd love to find the Native American who EVER thought "Redskin" was something they want to be called or anything other than offensive and derogatory in nature. I'm Cajun, I'm proud to be Cajun, and most Cajuns feel the same way.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
"If I were Irish-Catholic or Cajun, I'd have a far better case upon which to take offense than Native Americans do towards the term "Redskins". Certainly not all Cajuns fit that mold."
Rediculous statement
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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I'd love to find the Native American who EVER thought "Redskin" was something they want to be called or anything other than offensive and derogatory in nature. I'm Cajun, I'm proud to be Cajun, and most Cajuns feel the same way.
I'm very surprised the "Redskin" moniker has lasted this long in this politically correct environment. If you have noticed the only associations that have been able to keep their Indian and Indian-like surnames are the ones who can afford to keep it that way. Everyone else who can't has been railroaded into changing their names (Arkansas State, Miami of OH, etc.). In the hierarchy of racially insensitive nicknames...Redskins is at the top. It was only a matter of time and their protection from having to conform to the norm of political correctness has been eroding due to public pressure.
It's a column A, Column B argument. Is it the Redskins fault for hanging on to that nickname for so long...or is it just a head hunt for political correctness? Both deserve a bit of the blame here. Regardless...I can see why some people want to get rid of the Redskin nickname. It would be equivalent to having a team with a nickname like Spook or Spade. It's derogatory and as we go further down the politically correct rabbit hole it's going to get increasingly difficult to keep that name intact regardless of tradition and money.
My recommendation for Washington's football franchise...rename yourself the Washington Puppets. Cause that's what DC is to me these days.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Since it appears Dan Snyder is going to have to change the name, he ought get some "fun" out of it. How about naming the team "The Cavalry". Now there's some irony to would appreciate.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
So can they keep the logo and change the name to Chiefs? Oh wait, that is already taken (and may be the next target). How about Braves?
The secret of course is to find a tribe like the Seminoles who will have their PC sensibilities assuaged by greenbacks.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Wait, I thought we were winning the name battle?
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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So can they keep the logo and change the name to Chiefs? Oh wait, that is already taken (and may be the next target). How about Braves?
The secret of course is to find a tribe like the Seminoles who will have their PC sensibilities assuaged by greenbacks.
I don't see how anyone can find Chiefs derogatory. Braves either. Redskins...I can easily see how that is derogatory.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Washington Bravehearts...book it
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
"In 1758, Carolus Linnaeus proposed what he considered to be natural taxonomic categories of the human species. He distinguished between Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens europaeus, and he later added four geographical subdivisions of humans: white Europeans, red Americans, yellow Asians and black Africans. Although Linnaeus intended them as objective classifications, he used both taxonomical and cultural data in his subdivision descriptions."
One is embraced, two are rejected, one is accepted, none are accurate. To declare any derogatory is derogatory.
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I don't see how anyone can find Chiefs derogatory. Braves either. Redskins...I can easily see how that is derogatory.
You might not but others have. PC madness continues.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Washington Lobbist…, but I do like filibusters, only the Lobbist really cuts both ways.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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Washington Bravehearts...book it
I saw where a friend of Snyder's bought/copyrighted some stuff with that name. If it were my franchise, I'd rename them the Washington Warriors. That, to me, is the best balance of changing the name to something that doesn't offend anybody, while still keeping their roots and name involved with the original Native American culture.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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I saw where a friend of Snyder's bought/copyrighted some stuff with that name. If it were my franchise, I'd rename them the Washington Warriors. That, to me, is the best balance of changing the name to something that doesn't offend anybody, while still keeping their roots and name involved with the original Native American culture.
And then when the Saints play them we would all be "Warriors come out to play"
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Amazingly it is not the "Cajuns" who are upset about Ragin'Cajuns. It was a black activist, term used with scram. He felt since a lot of the young men players were black or non Cajun we should drop it. What a doofus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IMO the guy had a totally different agenda than the one he professed.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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Amazingly it is not the "Cajuns" who are upset about Ragin'Cajuns. It was a black activist, term used with scram. He felt since a lot of the young men players were black or non Cajun we should drop it. What a doofus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IMO the guy had a totally different agenda than the one he professed.
When I was in school a young lady wrote an editorial or letter to the editor or some such to the Vermillion where she stated she was offended by the Ragin part because it looked like a derogatory name spelled backwards. I ____ you not.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Originally Posted by
Since it appears Dan Snyder is going to have to change the name, he ought get some "fun" out of it. How about naming the team "The Cavalry". Now there's some irony to would appreciate.
Funny Snyder went from no way to a possible change after a meeting with dear leader. Can you say NSA tapes?
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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I don't see how anyone can find Chiefs derogatory. Braves either. Redskins...I can easily see how that is derogatory.
I agree completely with you. Redskins is racist. How would African Americans like the Harlem Blackskins? Chiefs, warriors and Braves are not and pay tribute to Native Americans. Also naming a particular tribe is an honor. As half Irish and half Cuban, I have no problem with the fighting Irish.
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
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When I was in school a young lady wrote an editorial or letter to the editor or some such to the Vermillion where she stated she was offended by the Ragin part because it looked like a derogatory name spelled backwards. I ____ you not.
Wowed on two fronts. One, I would never have thought of that had you not just pointed it out to me. Two, why people feel the need to go on fishing expeditions in order to find controversy?
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
I just don't see why this is suddenly, after all these years such a problem other than we have become a hyper-sensitive society. Redskins as applied to the team is meant as a point of pride by the team and fans. And I don't see how Chiefs, Braves, etc as a mascot is any more or less "demeaning". Finally, just as with moanroe's attempts to stop our use of Louisiana, how will the end of the use of Redskins by thus team better the plight of American Indians? Will living conditions on reservations improve? Will the high rate of alcoholism among Indians on reservations go down? Will the literacy rate increase? It just seams that there are a lot of much more serious issues facing American Indians.
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Re: Redskins Football Will Soon Be No More ... Next Let's tell the Cajuns to be offended
All of the believed origins of the name redskins were originated by Indians themselves. How can a name be derogatory to a race when the name was created by that race as a name for themselves?