voice PAGEr "Geaux Cajuns" with comp. mic or 877-319-1188
We are going to try this over the summer.
A button should show in the lower left, and if you set up your microphone on your computer you can send a voice page to the site. (to be released as a compiled audio file)
I haven't tested it but is is supposed to work with iPhone and iPad.
This is a work in otogress so pleas let me know stuff like whether the location of the button is too intrusive.
Your comments (if clean and non attacking) will be compiled into an audio file about the game or victory you commented on.
If we can get this working we hope to do some guess the score contests, and related events with voice PAGEr.
It requires your email and the name you want to use. It can be your real name or your registered name on RaginPagin.com
We hope to compile an audio file that everyone can listen to at least once a week.
If you send me a voicePAGE and don't want it repeated, just state so at the beginning.
Ok we have a toll free ph# in case you don't have a microphone hooked up to your computer (even if you do) please give "voice PAGEr a try.
Try leaving your Geaux-Cajuns cheer or quote or thought for a future "Geaux Cajuns" fan generated audio montage.
Also available 877-319-1188
Re: voice PAGEr "Geaux Cajuns" with comp. mic or 877-319-1188
Thanks for everyone who has sent in a "Geaux Cajuns" cheer/quote.
This is going to be fun.
More, more, more . . .