According to KATC Authement has announced his intention to resign from the university...
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According to KATC Authement has announced his intention to resign from the university...
"Retire" is more appropriate.Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
No offense, but it's about time.
UL may now finally have a chance!
Wow, we all knew the day would come now it's here and it does sadden me a bit to see Dr Ray step down as President of UL.Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
I just hope that the University can keep moving forward.
I applaud Dr. Ray for everything he has done in the last 34 years.
Jay is saying on the radio that Dr. Ray has recommended Dr Steve Landry.
I think that he's done alot of good for our university, however, I do think it's time for a change. I'm interested to see who it's gonna be and how they'll do for us.
God Bless
I want to say a big THANK YOU to Dr. Authement for all he has done for this great university. Because of him, I graduated from what can be considered one of the best business schools in the South. You can say all you want about him and athletics, but what he has done on the academic side of the university is far more important than anything he could have done for athletics.
Thanks to Dr. A. That's all that needs to be said!Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
Originally Posted by Rebel02
Rebel02, I couldn't have said it better.
Originally Posted by Ewhite
A lot of people, and I can not stress the words "a lot" enough here, A LOT of people were waiting for this day. Just as as many people in Academic circles as in Athletic circles were waiting for the annoucement.
I'm here to tell you, that if his replacement employs the same management philosophies as Doc, they may as well close this school down now.
BULL!!! If anyone here cares one iota about the future of our university you better well ask for a nationwide search!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ewhite
Anything less has a Blanco finger print all over it.
this our shot to make a move, lets not UL.L it.
not directed at you E White, just a statement!
Z, I was trying to reply to your post, however, it just copied your info without my reply?????? I think you said it best, nationwide is the only way to move the University of Louisiana forward.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zeebart21
Do you honestly believe that doc hasn't had this planned out for a looonnng time now?Quote:
Originally Posted by Zeebart21
This will not be a "search". It will be a carefully orchestrated transfer of power to a very thoroughly "prepared" person.
My only hope is that whoever Doc has chosen as his heir, keeps their grimy little hands off of our football program!!!!!!!!!!
:hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot:
It was bound to happen sooner or later. He did a tremendous job for the university. I wish he a good retirement. We will see if the K-sippers were right and he was the big problem with athletics. Let's hope we get an excellent replacement. Please not Ray Blanco.Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
Thanks to Dr. A for all his many years of service to the University. We've all had our complaints about how he handled athletics, but it was always crystal clear that he wanted to make our academics second to none and we've benefited in ways because of that (case and point, our Nursing, Computer Science, and Business schools are some of the finest in the country), and even though they weren't his first priority, he did love athletics, basketball in particular, and it was great as a member of the Ragin Brass to see him in the crowd or around the hotel for basketball tournaments.
Of course, we now move forward with the hope that his successor place more of an impetus on athletics - or at least the formation of an official, well-known athletic foundation - as a means to generate money to better the university as a whole. I'm not particularly familiar with his policies or affiliations or anything of that nature, but I've heard Steve Landry speak multiple times and he is legitimately excited about the University and where it could go, and I think we'd be in good hands with him. That said, I still wouldn't mind a national search.
You seem to know where Mr. Landry stands on things.Quote:
Originally Posted by BrockMeaux
Where does he stand on a PRIVATE Cajun Athletic Foundation modeled after the T.A.F.??
If he is against this, NOTHING will change.
Like I said, I'm not particularly familiar. I've heard him talk a couple of times about things related to the arts (being a music person), but I got the vibe that he was kind of a progressive guy and he was genuinely nice and exciting, to the point that a friend and I always joked that he'd get passed over for the job by Coach Blanco when Dr. A retired because it would be "just our luck."Quote:
Originally Posted by HOTBOUDIN
<! ->Quote:
<table bgcolor=#eaeaea> <td> <font color=#000000> <blockquote> <p align=justify>
Dr. Ray Paul Authement became acting president of USL when Dr. Clyde Rougeou took a leave of absence in 1973, and was made president by the State Board of Education on July 26 of that year.
Authement, Dr. James R. Oliver of USL, and Dr. Frank Thomas, a former president of Lamar University in Baton Rouge, had been recommended to the State Board as “highly qualified” for the post.
At the time of Authement’s selection, Richard D’Aquin, the State Board of Education member from Lafayette, called for all of Acadiana to unite behind the new president.
“USL continues to rank as one of the greatest assets that can be claimed not only by Acadiana but by the people of the entire state,” D’Aquin said. “Speaking for the State Board and myself and for the thousands of USL students, alumni and supporters, I believe that it is extremely important at this time to unite in support of our fine university.
<center><p><a href="" target="_blank">The rest of the story</a>
Jim Bradshaw
“This is a time to present a united front, to subordinate any negative feelings to the overall good of the university of Acadiana,” D’Aquin continued. “Let us not do anything that will harm USL. There is too much to lose — educationally, culturally, socially, athletically and economically — if anyone succumbs to the temptation to put personal feelings ahead of the good of our great university.”
Authement earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics from USL and his master’s and doctor’s degrees in mathematics from LSU. He had been vice president at USL since 1966. Before that, he had been named director of academic studies at the ill-fated New Iberia campus. He came to USL in 1957 as a professor of mathematics.
Before coming to USL he had been an associate professor of mathematics at McNeese State University in Lake Charles. During the 1961-62 academic year, he was a visiting professor at the University of North Carolina. In 1965, he was named a USL Foundation Honors Professor.
</td> </table>
Ray Blanco becoming President is preposterous. He certainly doesn't have a PhD, and I don't know if he even has a post-graduate degree at all. He was a football coach and is dean of students, that does not qualify you to be President of a University. Even he knows that.Quote:
Originally Posted by BrockMeaux
While I can't say that I am against Dr. Steve Landry becoming President (I don't know anything about him), I would be upset if they didn't have a national search. We've had Authement for longer than any public university, I think a little bit of fresh air would do UL a lot of good. Congratulations to Dr. Authement on a job well done, but let's not just hire someone who's too deep in the forest to see the trees. There are a lot of things about UL that are great, but a lot that need fixing and should have been fixed long ago.
Who we hire as President is going to set the tone for the future of UL. Authement did a great job, all things considered, but do we need 10-20 more years of the same thing? That's never a good idea.
<center>Dr. Steve Landry
photo by Terri Fensel The Ind.
Originally Posted by HOTBOUDIN
Been a while since I've read a post on here that made as little sense as this one!
Thanks, Doc, for giving us a computer science program that is one of the best in the country... an accounting program that is one of the strongest in the south... an engineering school that is as strong as anything this state has to offer... and probably the best nursing program in the state and one of the best in the south. And I could go on!
I think some people struggle to separate the academic focus and success Dr. Authement had at UL, and the perceived (correctly) lack of attention and success of our athletic programs. I am proud of our athletic successes. I simply comprehend just how much more success is available with improved vision and entrepreneurial spirit. Athletics and academics compliment each other when administered properly. Right, wrong, or indifferent, state university athletic success transforms into greater academic recognition and success. The more the community and alumni are involved, and athletics makes that happen in a big way, you succeed in everything and in every way.Quote:
Originally Posted by CajunRed
Congratulations Dr. Authement. You deserve to rest and reflect on a tremendous career!
As a UL sports fan it certainly doesn't sadden me. But, as an alumnus, and as a lover of all that UL, there is something there, maybe not sadness, maybe not happiness, but something. A UL under Authement is the only UL i know.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ewhite
I can definitely see the benefits of having someone from the inside, or at least someone from the area, take over as pres. if for no other reason but because we aren't just some school in the midwest or something. there is a lot to love about this area and the people from here tend to have a lot of pride about where they come from. but, this is also the birthplace of the good ol' boy system and, while having some new-age, progressive, younger candidate would probably fail in having an immediate sense of pride in representing his home, it would be a certain fresh breeze sweeping through the campus and would definitely do us some good.Quote:
Originally Posted by rhineaux
Originally Posted by campo118
We ALL know how this man has hindered growth of athletics at this university.Quote:
Originally Posted by CajunRed
Now, as far as academics are concerned, I have a good friend who works for the university, when the E-Mail announcing doc's resignation came across the computers in his office, they cheered.
I'll let you try and figure out why.