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Couldn't happen to a more arrogant school.
I feel for the fans and especially players who put everything they had into this season, only to be rewarded with a seat on the couch by an administration that would rather not play than face the possibility of losing to another in-state school.
They are robbing their players of the reward of a fine season. Lots of nice events for players are held in bowl game cities. They also are robbing their players of two weeks of extra practice which helps teams prepare for the following season. I was hoping they would be sent to Hawaii or Detroit. That way their players would get the reward they deserve and their athletic department would take a $300,000 hit.
Can someone confirm no bowl? They seem to be locked for Liberty, did the Liberty get brain and say yes to the Red Wolves?
wow...... just wow.... Are they really that stuck in the separation at all costs mindset?
What a bunch of a**clowns!! I mean really,, who turns down bowl offers?
Turned down the I-Bowl then the La Tech PR guy gets on Twitter and says they "weren't selected for a bowl"
if this is for real, it is a sad commentary on what happens to a university, and its fanatic-followers, when it seems to believe it is a bcs quality athletic program while in fact it is nothing more than your average, run-of-the-mill mid-major. the only differences between them and us are their sugar daddy, and their balls-out politicking by their administration to better their conference affiliation. what's the old saying: they have champagne tastes on a beer budget?
Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of douche bags!
Is this verified?? I don't think they would turn down a bowl without another in hand.
This made my day. Boomer must be beside himself.
What a bunch of azzclowns.
CBS is updating their projections every minute....LA Tech now gone! :D
You mean Bradshaw couldn't work some magic?
Does this mean WKU got in? They got snubbed last year and here these guys are being snobs... if they had more than one offer on the table I could understand but turning it down just too.... Geez
WKU has accepted Pizza Bowl in Detroit.'re doing it wrong.
Gotta luv it! Made my freakin day!!
Warning, there is a meltdown occuring on BB & B. This is fitting after they screwed us over a few years back. (what comes around, goes around)
As much as I hate to, I guess I have to thank the Monrovians for this one.
They were selected. They turned it down. The headline should read "La Tech not selected for a bowl other than the Independence bowl."