bienvenidos to the commonwealth
just want to welcome any cajuns to the commonwealth of kentucky for this saturday's game.
we're still new to fbs so our tailgating will pale in comparison to what happens down in bobby boucher land.
tailgating was rocking 2 years ago and we had a rainy saturday and 'mudgate' was born. the president moved all the college kids to parking lots and off the hill so it changed dramatically. it was a knee-jerk reaction by him and is still a sore spot with many.
that said...this saturday is homecoming so expect to see the really big tents across from the stadium full of middle-aged silver haired men getting fist pumped by the president as he axes for money...their middle aged wives all dressed to the 9's in red and white with red and white carnations pinned to their bosoms.
the drunk kids will be way up the hill....don't worry about them...they don't come to the game anyhoo.
bowling green is basically any exit you'd find in the dallas metro-plex. it's like you scooped richardson up and dropped it in south central kentucky. every manner of chain restaurant can be found. no local food you 'have' to experience.
it's a nasty day outside right now but i just checked accuweather and honest to god it's predicting 'sunny and delightful' with a high of 63 saturday.
real hilltopper fans like me (who have witnessed the last 18 home losses) have no illusion of winning this game. i've already read how all the cajun players have this game circled on the calendar.
cajun fans should love western....we got your coach fired. we were the coach firers last year. first your guy then we got asu's coach fired. losing to us will do that.
as much as i love willie taggart, first as a player and for him trying to rebuild the eLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLson debacle he is no hudspeth. did hud ever wear a grill? willie did. 'nuff said.
we are an extremely young team and though our young players do play with a lot of enthusiasm their lack of experience does hurt them when they don't play assignment football. that's the price for playing them.
we do have a kid named bobby rainey but our quarterback is possibly the worst in fbs. it lets every team load up on poor bobby. we have a sophomore linebacker named andrew jackson (no kidding...old hickory) that will be a great one before he leaves and he does it without wearing makeup and yelling whoo whoo like that troy player did that always made me laugh.
if you have any site specific questions you want answered i'll try to help out.
p.s. feel free to bring your pet goats. that whole goat incident was some ag frat boys that got out of hand. and we're supposed to believe fraternities are producing our future leaders.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
I thought Virginia was the only Commonwealth out there?
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Did he just mention a goat incident with frat boys. Wow must get lonely in "them thar hills"
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Originally Posted by
I thought Virginia was the only Commonwealth out there?
there's an old saying that you can learn something new every day. you just did and can drop it as trivia at the next party. if you're old enough to remember the show cheers you can casually drop that little factoid in your best cliff clavin voice:
it's a little known fact that there are 4 states that still associate themselves as commonwealths.....kentucky, virginia, pennsylvania and massachusets.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Hello dahbeed.
Was "Geaux Toppers" your idea :)
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Dahbeed, a college message board legend. Please show him respect.
Pay no mind to his sandbagging. The Toppers want us... they want us, baaaaaaaaaahhhhh'd. :)
Whats up, Beedster?
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Originally Posted by
Hello dahbeed.
Was "Geaux Toppers" your idea :) actually made me chuckle amigo. i meant to mention that we were being so accomodating that our homecoming theme is 'geaux toppahs' because we're playing youns.
not my idea. i have no idea who came up with it.
i always joke with zee about my picture of a cajun. i guess this means as well as the nicely dressed alums you'll see a bunch of us regular folks wearin' sleeveless flannels, overalls, a warshboard on our chest for playin' spoons, a big ole straw hat, and of course no shoes. (basically farmer fran from the waterboy)
i'll have my i-pod bumpin' to some 'zydeco classics'
p.s. honest to god....i do have 'zydeco classics' on my i-pod. i be listenin' to all kinds of music in 'beed world.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Originally Posted by
...their middle aged wives all dressed to the 9's in red and white with red and white carnations pinned to their bosoms.
Care to elaborate beed?
The OP had me chuckling.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Originally Posted by
Dahbeed, a college message board legend. Please show him respect.
Pay no mind to his sandbagging. The Toppers want us... they want us, baaaaaaaaaahhhhh'd. :)
Whats up, Beedster?
we want everyone baaaaaaaahhhhhhd. home.
what's up??? i'm just out spreadin' love....bein' the ambassador of amor for western.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Originally Posted by
we want everyone baaaaaaaahhhhhhd. home.
what's up??? i'm just out spreadin' love....bein' the ambassador of amor for western.
Things are great in Cajun land. Best of luck this weekend.
Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth
Just a hint to anyone going to BG. If you have time, visit the National Corvette Museum while you are there. It is a pretty nice attraction and is also educational for the kids, as it has some interactive exhibits. Some neat info about the engineering aspects of car design is also available, not to mention a lot of historical Corvettes.
Food that I like there:
Judy's Castle downtown; good old time breakfast fare. Sort of a greasy spoon, but pretty good.
Montana Grill is my favorite Steak and or prime rib place.