According to KATC Authement has announced his intention to resign from the university...
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According to KATC Authement has announced his intention to resign from the university...
"Retire" is more appropriate.Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
No offense, but it's about time.
UL may now finally have a chance!
Wow, we all knew the day would come now it's here and it does sadden me a bit to see Dr Ray step down as President of UL.Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
I just hope that the University can keep moving forward.
I applaud Dr. Ray for everything he has done in the last 34 years.
Jay is saying on the radio that Dr. Ray has recommended Dr Steve Landry.
I think that he's done alot of good for our university, however, I do think it's time for a change. I'm interested to see who it's gonna be and how they'll do for us.
God Bless
I want to say a big THANK YOU to Dr. Authement for all he has done for this great university. Because of him, I graduated from what can be considered one of the best business schools in the South. You can say all you want about him and athletics, but what he has done on the academic side of the university is far more important than anything he could have done for athletics.
Thanks to Dr. A. That's all that needs to be said!Quote:
Originally Posted by sleepophile
Originally Posted by Rebel02
Rebel02, I couldn't have said it better.
Originally Posted by Ewhite
A lot of people, and I can not stress the words "a lot" enough here, A LOT of people were waiting for this day. Just as as many people in Academic circles as in Athletic circles were waiting for the annoucement.
I'm here to tell you, that if his replacement employs the same management philosophies as Doc, they may as well close this school down now.
BULL!!! If anyone here cares one iota about the future of our university you better well ask for a nationwide search!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ewhite
Anything less has a Blanco finger print all over it.
this our shot to make a move, lets not UL.L it.
not directed at you E White, just a statement!
Z, I was trying to reply to your post, however, it just copied your info without my reply?????? I think you said it best, nationwide is the only way to move the University of Louisiana forward.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zeebart21