Re: When do we get tickets?
Originally Posted by
How long have you been a season ticket holder?
20+ years
Re: Ragin Pagers should meet up someplace before the game.
Originally Posted by
There may definitely be some crawling, fer sure...
ps dangit, there i go again not adding anything of substantial value to the conversation...someone apologize to the dbag Cajunwave for me...thanks..
Your input may not be of any substantial value ... but I feel it is going to be pretty accurate!
Re: Who is calling the New Orleans Bowl for ESPN?
Originally Posted by
Give em a chance and I bet they call a roughing the passer penalty on a kickoff.
Yes, but upon further review (a 5 minute process) "the call on the field stands!"
Re: The Advertiser UL Bowl Extra
Originally Posted by
A lot of good information in the Advertiser this morning. Great job guys!
Does anyone know if I could buy prints of the illustration on the cover?
A terrific pullout for the Cajuns; a lot of good info!
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Might want to try John Dugas. Scott probably has a pretty full plate
Originally Posted by
I've emailed Scott to check with him. I asked him two questions.
- Is the team traveling through BR? And why I want to know, and what I was trying to organize.
- Was my idea ok with him?
We'll see what he says.
Re: Bowl Ticket Order Form?
My issue with this process is that by now they should be done with groups 1-3 and allow general public to walk up.
I mean we are less than a week from kickoff now!!! This may be why we are only at 17K tickets. We should be in general public ticket push mode right now!!!
Re: Who is calling the New Orleans Bowl for ESPN?
Rogers Redding, national coordinator of NCAA football officials, assigns crews from each conference to each bowl game. No conference crew works a game in which one of its conference teams is playing. Each conference gets the number of bowl games depending on the number of its teams who play in bowl games. Crew was assigned couple of weeks ago. Will be announced on Friday
Re: Fan Events Scheduled for New Orleans
Graduation will also be held during Fanfest for senior players and I believe band members as well
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Scott just emailed me back they are traveling through BR!
Now, who wants to join SMD7636 and I in cheering the team on as they travel through town? Any ideas where to do this? I have one good one, but want to see if anyone else has any first.
Re: Fan Events Scheduled for New Orleans
Originally Posted by
Graduation will also be held during Fanfest for senior players and I believe band members as well
Hey Sue, it looks like a photo of you and Stu in the advertiser's special section. I think it said it was from one of the road games, OSU maybe.
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Originally Posted by
Scott just emailed me back they are traveling through BR!
Now, who wants to join SMD7636 and I in cheering the team on as they travel through town? Any ideas where to do this? I have one good one, but want to see if anyone else has any first.
I'm currently sending an email to all the BR UL fans I know to gague some interest. Everyone else do the same.
Re: New Orleans Bowl: Where ya sitting at?
Originally Posted by
That sucks, I didn't get pretty looking tickets like that. Mine just look like ticketmaster tickets. I got mine through the box office too.
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Now I tell you what would have been GREAT---Have it go through Abbeville--Erath --Delcambre---NI---Jenn Frank--Patterson Morgan City----Haunville--Get all the school kids out with signs----But why go through Baton Rouge???
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Originally Posted by
----But why go through Baton Rouge???
To get there quicker, maybe??
Re: Who is calling the New Orleans Bowl for ESPN?
Ya'll are really worried about who is calling the game? Jeeze, all I'm worried about is who the sideline reporter will be. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a miracle that Jenn Brown would be there.
Re: When do we get tickets?
Originally Posted by
I kind of forgot about all the government and Political favors that have to be taken care of initially------maybe they started at the 50 for the legislators, judges, and whomever else deserves our BIG Government treats----I think that they deserve NOTHING--but such is life---See ya'll Thursday!!!
Go to the head of the class. It ought to be interesting to see who will be sitting where.
Re: Bowl Ticket Order Form?
Originally Posted by
My issue with this process is that by now they should be done with groups 1-3 and allow general public to walk up.
I mean we are less than a week from kickoff now!!! This may be why we are only at 17K tickets. We should be in general public ticket push mode right now!!!
So would I be able to walk up to the window and buy my tickets, like say before the the basketball game tomorrow? I know I'm late but I just found out that my wife is off and will be able to attend the festivities. I tried checking the Ticket master and stub hub sites but all the seats seem to be on the @s$ tics side.....
Re: Send Off The Team. Tuesday
Originally Posted by
I'm currently sending an email to all the BR UL fans I know to gague some interest. Everyone else do the same.
I'm thinking we do this in the Best Buy parking lot. Good place to get a good view (from a vehicle) of something on the side of the road. Plus, we would be safe in the parking lot.
I've heard back from only one person so far and they are not able to come... :(
I would hope we could get 10-15 people out there...
Re: New Orleans Bowl: Where ya sitting at?
Originally Posted by
These are TOTALLY behind the SDSU bench! I guess we got some of their tickets back and are already selling those too. Looks like the ENTIRE 100, 200, 300 will be UL fans except maybe one section for SDSU?!?!?!?