Re: ticket prices for nola bowl
Just got this email from my pops:
"can you get away to attend the new orleans bowl if cajuns are in the game. i will pay for the tickets and the air fare"
Air fare from California is not cheap. I said I would only take him up on the offer if he came with me.
How many bowl deposits sold?
Anybody with any inside information on how many deposits we have gotten for bowl tickets?
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Not enough.
Even in the freak event of another bowl besides NO Bowl. . . consider the deposit a thank-you-$30 for a totally enjoyable season.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I heard something around 4,000 prior to last weekend. Certainly there are more now.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Once a bid/invite is official I expect to see a ton of tickets bought. I just feel that a lot of people are hesitant into putting money into something that isn't a definite yet. Mainly, I think a lot of people are waiting to make sure we go to the New Orleans bowl and not somewhere else. A lot of people will go to a bowl no matter where it is (Mobile, etc.) BUT I bet you anything that a TON more will be going WHEN we all find out it is in NOLA.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I bought 9 "deposits" today. I had to get a head count and that took some time.
There is no doubt that this has not hit the masses yet. But, we are, no doubt, in the NO Bowl.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
We just bought 31 today...
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
When I went to put down my deposit for 6 tickets Monday during lunch I was told that approx 3700 tickets had deposits on file. A friend told me that when he went to put his deposit on Tuesday the number had already increased to almost 5000. All of this is taking place even before any official invitation has been extended!!!!! The guys in the ticket office told me that they expected the rush for tickets to increase a little more each day!
It's a great time to be a Cajun fan!
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I bought 3 last week. I hope we are making a good showing to the bowl committee.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Our group was at 47 this morning.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
How many do we have to sell to reach our threshold??? Remember only buy from our hood!!!!
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I have 15 reserved. We are bringing the whole family! What a season!
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
Pressed on ESPN now!!!
Good move Penn St
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I figure that if the pay-out is listed as $500,000 - we'd have to sell 8,333 tickets @ $60 each to get that listed pay-out. If that is the case, we shouldn't have any problem going well over that amount!
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
My friend reserved his, mine, and my wife's the other day, so there's 3 more. With that said, if anyone hears anyone concerned about reserving tickets "because we might go somewhere else" its our job to help get the real information out to them. The NO bowl cannot officially invite us until the conference slate is over or a definite conference champion has been decided, but they will be inviting us. Just yesterday, a friend of mine said that her dad had heard rumor we might end up in Detroit, we really need to help dispel these rumors and help with ticket sales. If anyone asks or has any questions just tell them what we know and emphasize the fact that they moved graduation just to accommodate, they wouldn't have done so if the NO bowl wasn't a done deal.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
I did 5 the first day they were taking them. Going to add 3 more to that this week.
Re: How many bowl deposits sold?
When I put my deposit down my seat was listed as 1600, 1601, and so on. I was thinking that was the number of deposits sold. I put down a deposit for 7 after our win Sat night.