You would be correct.
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Yeah, I figured my comments would start another concession cost debate lol.
Like I said, other than beer I rarely get foods, so it’s not anything I am personally invested in, but I get it’s importance.
But taking young kids to a game discussion kind of gets my attention. When I was a very young lad, my dad and grandfathers took my brother and I to an Astro’s game in the brand new Astro dome. Other than NOLA, which because of family I had been there many times, Houston was the first ‘big city’ I had been to, so that was something. But the thing that sticks with me is that my grandfather bought us these little Astro’s bats that was a cherished possession of ours for many years.
Oh, and both grandads smoked cigars there and back, and I don’t think they even put a crack in the windows, lol.