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Absolutely! I 100% pull against Bob Marlin. We are and have been losing money on that wasted contract for half a decade. Our ticket sales don’t even pay for his contract.
It’s not about the kids. It’s about the program. It’s stale, zero local support, zero excitement and a coach who has the personality of a snail.
It is time for a change, period.
It’s a sad day in Cajun land when one comes on this board an says they are pulling against athletes wearing Louisiana cross their chest. That’s just not right.
We had excitement in the Dome for the Tech game. Hopefully we can re- create some of that for the conference games. There was also an effort to promote that game on campus. That needs to happen again. Granted it is up to the team to elevate their level of play so as to have something worthwhile to promote. In my opinion, it is impossible to pull against the coach and not be pulling against the players at the same time. They all decided to play for him. I am not smart enough to figure out how the opposite can be true.
The current players don't think so. They play hard for each other and their coaches. Granted they don't always play well. Note there has been quite a turnover on the staff in recent months. The lead assistant is in his second year as is the strength and conditioning coach. Two other assistants are in their first year. There is also a new video coordinator. I don't know if this turnover is responsible for what appears to be improved play to date but the new guys do bring things from Alabama, Texas, and Texas Tech.
If one pulls for Bob Marlin (or any coach) to fail, their failure happens when the team fails.
Some will still try to polish the “it’s separate” turd.
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