Be nice if they had an actual road side sign for the store. But I guess that’ll come later.
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Thanks for the 39 pic. That was my Dads Jr year.
With the new buildings, new parking, and nicely done brickwork within the side walk, why do you think they went with wooden stairs? Screams cheap to me. Why not spend another few grand and put in a nice wide bricked staircase?
Oh, and the trash needs to be emptied!!
Probably temporary. Patience.
Lol. In regards to the steps they have built, when I parked I did so close to Johnston thinking the entry was along there. The slope from the lot to the building is not very steep at that section but the ground was wet so I was planning how I’d cross. When I realized where the entry was located I walked towards it and after passing the oak finally saw the steps. I realized that the entry was much steeper there so thought, ‘wow….very nice that they built some nice, sturdy steps to safely pass over that section.’
Don’t get me wrong, I think something even nicer and more permanent can/will be built, but for now it is all very well done.
Looking at the photo I noticed that the Oak trees at the Johnston/University intersection are older then the Oaks along St. Mary, Mc Kinley and along University from the Boulevard to McKinley. The Three Sisters appear to be not the same age. (The one closest to Girard Hall looks younger).
Correct: although now it might be kind of hard to tell since they are now full grown, the Century Oaks are the the oldest, and the 3 sister's are next. The tree's along St Mary, and also McKinley were 'only' planted when the campus expanded into those areas, in the 30's and 40's.