didnt see your post, added info above
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If you dont' mind shelling out a pretty penny nor walking for the next four hours. The brunch buffet at Court of Two Sisters is absurd.
Wow, that took a lot of research. My toilet paper is more of a "worldwide leader" than these clowns.
LA Tech is going to get destroyed in the Poinsettia Bowl.
We got ours today.
Essentially we have our own section. Section 342.
If you don't mind a little ride, I've always like the Camelia Grill, but it's been since before the hurricane that I was there. This is a website under construction.
From Urban Spoon
I did note a number of references to a place near Camelia called Refuel that was getting very high ratings.
After the invitation was accepted to the bowl, HUD began working on his own uniform design for the bowl. When the team had off days from practice, HUD worked at his secret bunker that no military intelligence would ever find, creating a combination of art and branding that would make the designers at Nike and Under Armour look like preschool art majors.
Guys this shows how important it is to be an RCAF member and season ticket holder. Now that we know that coach hud is staying we need to put our support out for OUR coach and administration this means finacialy and at games and ALL other functions
Alright, alright. I'm done with .gifs for the day.
Kinda ____ed we r rcaf members and ordered out tickets through UL only to get the worst seats possible
Now I know where the TP got his numbers. Too lazy to do his job, and watching the BCS selection and Saints last night.
So I'm trying to be productive tonight by studying and finishing my research paper, but my friend just texted me about a rave going on at Dupre library tonight. I think that my curiosity will get the better of me on this one.
I hope someone videos it
I don't understand this. I can understand it on Tuesday, the day before dead day, or on the last day, but to do it on Monday seems counterproductive.
Great work! That's the kind of stuff that is going to put us over 25,000 and on the national map.
That's what I call ticket porn!
My group of friends that I tailgate with wanted to make sure we all sat together, so we all got together to order the tix at the same time. Well, we kept getting more and more people who wanted to come. I didn't buy them, my buddy did, and he bought extras. We've already sold all the extras we have. There's going to be a butt in all of those seats.
Shot two. My buddy paid for them all himself and is collecting the money from everyone who ordered tix. (That's what the money on the table is for.) The whisky and rum, that's just for fun.
Maybe they decided to give us that game with Arizona!?!? Or could it be the force of Hud's commitment to stay just bounced one of the L's into the W column... ???
was anybody else worried? :D
Oh lord....lol...some of us were searching for the coach that would replace the coach who would replace Hud!!!