Good, this by far our best looking uniform.
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Both teams are the exact colors and both like a lot of black although SD was the first to sport the color black!!!!
Here's what they'll probably wear as the away team.
Attachment 5919
Here's what they wore at home.
Attachment 5920
With the opponnent being SDSU, this screams out for another WHITE-OUT game.
The problem is we have already launched the "PAINT THE QUARTER RED" campaign.
So, it seems the only good answer as to what uniforms we should wear is red helmets, red jerseys, and red pants.
Any one of those being in black, or white, for the game would be asinine.
Then, we just have to hope that SDSU uses as much black as possible.
However, my gut tells me that both teams and both fan bases will be decked out in various combinations of black and red with both entities thinking they look "cooler" and "tougher". The end result will be confusing and self-defeating.
Thanks J1M.. I just don't think we will be able to run successfully unless we can force them out of what they usually do. And I have trouble believing they can cover Green, Surgent, Peoples and Lawson; after all, no one else has.
I like their coach!!
Watch at the 8 minute mark, he has some great things to say about the cajuns. Also, for the Name people, their coach called us Louisiana.
No more white...I cannot take another white out game.
Zero non-AQ teams in BCS bowls this year. The last time I think this happened was 2006. I could be wrong.
No "white-out"!!! I wouldn't mind red from head to toe.
Somebody show me the wormhole that gets you from Lafayette to New Orleans in a hour!
Awesome that he said Louisiana! We will have our hands full with that team....
got my nine in section 328 rows 8 and 9. corner endzone. but i'm glad i'm in section 300 and not 100. so i guess they will be o.k...
I watched the replay of the SDSU-Fresno St. game this morning on CBSSN. Good offense, QB is solid and appears to be a good leader. Speed at rb and receiver. Hillman, the running back likes to bounce it outside and when he gets to the corner he is very fast. Fresno St. defense was not very good, not a lot of speed in front 7. Defensively Derek Carr of Fresno shredded Aztec secondary. SDSU ran a 3-3-5 defensive set and the front three were ok but not anything special. Heat was brought on QB mostly thru lb blitz. Backers run well but secondary can definitely be exploited. Of course this opinion is based on watching one game but I think that if we play up to our abilities, not let rb Hillman have a breakout game, we can definitely win this game. It could be a very entertaining game.
Will Boomer be hitting the piano @ Pat O's?? If so, when? We'll cheer HIM on!
We'll be in as soon as the hotel lets us check in on Friday. As far as Friday night, we were thinking about hitting up some of the uptown "nicer" watering holes, saving the nastiness for the post game celebration. I know where I'll be Saturday morning... CAFE DU MONDE!
I know the Nola Bowl is officially hosting a FREE concert for Friday night in Spanish Square (at the end of Poydras overlooking the river). And that concert will be a hell of a lot of fun, Rebirth Brass Band will be opening followed by the GIVERS. The GIVERS are straight out of Lafayette and they are probably one of the funnest live bands you will ever witness, whether you are familiar with their music or not. This is a must attend. Lafayette taking over New Orleans for the weekend!
Dragos Friday for lunch...wing it afterward
Just got back from the dome this morning. Our seating will be great. I walked over to my section 143 and all is good. As an FYI for those sitting higher. I sat in 543 last night in the first row and it was as close as the first row of the upper deck at Cajun Field. Not a bad seat in the house(unless you choose to sit way at the top).