There was apparantly never an attempt at one. I guess you just have to go through the motion.
Joe Savoie is fine by me.
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Bout time! Sign him up! .~.
Letters of application and resumes can be viewed at:
It is easy to see who the front runners are.
He is a great consideration for the job. I grew up with his daughter and they (the family) have always had UL's best interest in mind.
I personally don't know either Dr Savoie or Dr. Landry, but after reading about them, I'm feeling a little better about the candidates we have for our President. I appreciate those of you who post some of your personal experiences with them. I hope they support athletics on top of the primary mission, which is to make UL the best Educational/Research University it can be.
It's down to five. Considering the quality of the canditates it's a wonder it took them so long.
<table bgcolor=#eaeaea> <td> <font color=#000000> <blockquote> <p align=justify>
Five candidates emerged from a field of 38 Wednesday in the search for the next UL president.
Two of the five are familiar to UL faculty, students, alumni and the community, UL Vice President for Academic Affairs Steve Landry and Louisiana's Commissioner of Higher Education E. Joseph "T-Joe" Savoie. Three of the finalists are from other states.
Search committee members spent nearly two hours in closed session narrowing the candidates list Wednesday. They emerged with five applicants that they believe meet the qualifications and characteristics that students, faculty, staff and the community said at open forums they want in the next UL president.
<center><p><a href="" target="_blank">The rest of the story</a>
Claire Taylor
Those traits include entrepreneurship, innovation, vision, affinity for technology, sensitivity to faculty and a commitment to students, UL System President Sally Clausen said.
"We heard an awful lot from the business community in open sessions," search committee member Jim Prince of Lafayette said. "Some of the characteristics they asked for ... are definitely in the five finalists."
From a faculty perspective, the next president will have an understanding of academics, know how to organize and unite everyone to work toward goals together, John Meriwether, UL faculty and senate representative on the search committee, said.
The five candidates and their spouses will be invited to UL between Nov. 11 and Nov. 13 to tour the campus, interview with the search committee, and meet with students, staff, faculty and the public, Clausen said. Prior to the visit, the search committee will conduct reference and criminal background checks.
Face-to-face interviews are the least predictor of success in the selection process, Clausen said. References, those listed by the candidates and those not listed, is the most important factor, she said. Also to be considered is the role of the president's spouse.
"My experience as a single person is ... it's easier with two people," Clausen said.
Ray Authement, president of UL for more than 30 years, is expected to retire in the first quarter of 2008.
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Which will give UL Football the best chance to succeed?
Anyone got a link to information on the 5, or care to comment on who would best for football and why? I am not a life long fan, and would appreciate the perspective...
I think T-Joe has the stroke and experience to make things really happen at UL!!!
ps T-Joe or the Houston Techno guy would be my votes!
T-Joe Savoie would probably be the best for Athletics. Steve Landry is a good guy but I think his focus would mainly be on academics. I know it sounds bad but now that I have graduated...who cares about academics!!! If Savoie didn't get the job, I would hope it would be someone from a big school who has been part of a big program to some extent. But Savoie would be my #1 choice!
Why would it be so hard to add a $25 stadium improvement fee to students?
Its obvious the stadium is in dire needs of repairs.
From my understanding and what i've heard about Joe is that at his current post he fights for UL everyday and is a very loyal UL supporter. I would like to hear his explanation on that sentence before I go burning the house down. I think he deserves that. My question is if he comes to UL, who is going to do the job that Joe does now?
When does this get decided?
I hate to get back on topic just to redirect, but is anybody else wondering how they whittled down to 5 so fast? I checked out the UL system page with all the resumes and I don't think i could have read everything, much less decided who the top 5 were. Also, do a couple of the top 5 not seem as good as some of the others who didn't make it? Just wondering what everybody is thinking.